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Everything posted by cattykid123

  1. Here is the pics mate plees excuse the corps
  2. well mate iv only been shooting about 11 month and I still shoot my first catty that I bort off of ebay for 20 and I hit more than I miss with it its an other the top shooter and comes with double thera band gold which is the strongest bands available for cattys and is a grat starter catty id sugest you got one of them ill post some pics so that you can see what it looks like
  3. how can I tie them on my catty
  4. Cheers I was actually supprised I killed it because it was a dogey shot placement I hit it just under the eye with a marble but it disentangle drop straight away ant then when it did it got up and tryd to run off good job I had the dog with me lol
  5. Cheers lads it's my first time doing bages so I think I'll stick with this for a bit then I'm gonna try to do some laminate some nattys
  6. Ow I used them for coats but then I sanded the pin off with a dremil
  7. Wow can't beleve no one wants that ole fork
  8. if your asking are they sentimental then no I just seen a catty on here with one on and liked the idear so I gave it a go
  9. Nice catty mate never tried the latex my self but I have only ever heard good things about it
  10. Well I'm trying a new thing to me which is putting bages on my cattys here is a couple of pics let me know what you think good or bad
  11. so would leving it infront of the fire speed things up
  12. Egsacly right mate and do you have to age the wood to get that sort of grain or could you cut one down and get straight to work
  13. I didn't think bill made them any more
  14. that ones out the window any one els got one
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