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Everything posted by ferretess

  1. hello and welcome :laugh: the green never suited ya
  2. I like it ,, anything to do with music I like though As for the people that say they hate it , I bet they know more about the contestants than me even though they don't ehhhh watch it :laugh:
  3. Happy Birthday Hope you have a good yin
  4. congratulations Ross all the very best
  5. Spend some bonding time together since he is never in and your left home ,,, tie a bow around you waist pull your wellies on get the jacket on and tell him your his for the day, keep him company in the field or where ever it is he goes everyday carry the game bag ? the spade ? the lamp ? the ferrets ? hold the dogs ? never know what might happen Bob would be mortified!! Excuse me Ross who do you think should him what to do lol
  6. Spend some bonding time together since he is never in and your left home ,,, tie a bow around you waist pull your wellies on get the jacket on and tell him your his for the day, keep him company in the field or where ever it is he goes everyday carry the game bag ? the spade ? the lamp ? the ferrets ? hold the dogs ? never know what might happen
  7. Trying to upload a picture on the photo comp coming up with error you've run out off space ,, what am i doing wrong ???

    1. paulus


      everything wares with age lol

    2. ferretess


      So they say Paulus lol


      resizing worked :) but uploaded twice lol

    3. paulus


      send it me via pm and i will try lol

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  8. Great pictures Kids out and about running about enjoying themselves , dogs into litter picking terrible
  9. Ain't he a clever lad wont do that again
  10. I work with a guy that looks so like him I had to look very closely at the picture , thought it was him It is very very difficult to have a proper and serious conversation with him
  11. Not only lurcher come out rabbiting
  12. That's going to be my next investment , listen to a few songs and a bit addicted to " let her go " tom i think i will just stick to that passenger cd you burnt me need to add the cd to my shopping list
  13. Ermmmm scot I'm in fife thought you was in dundae lol you thought wrong lol so if your trying to stalk me in Dundee your no gonna find me f**k knows where i got that from then......... See told you before you just don't listen to me anymore :cray: :laugh:
  14. Ermmmm scot I'm in fife thought you was in dundae lol you thought wrong lol so if your trying to stalk me in Dundee your no gonna find me
  15. Ermmmm scot I'm in fife
  16. That's the clearest one she can , she lives alone and taking picture talking to me and screaming at same time lol.. I thought they were cockroachs to begin with but wrong colour and don't look like any pictures on the net, they are in her kitchen she noticed one on kitchen floor it run under cooker she pulled out cooker and there loads under it .
  17. I'm good I thought that too ,, :tongue2:
  18. My daughter has a bit of a infestation and I don't know what they are any help guys ?? She also has these mingled in with them I am guessing they are beetles but thought no harm asking Thanks in advance
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