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Everything posted by ferretess

  1. and it's still raining and only ment to get worse over the next few days :(

    1. RubyTex


      Thought you liked it nice and wet Tessy??

    2. ferretess


      When I am swimming i do or in the bath / shower but not when fully dressed and out walking ruby :)

    3. dymented


      its a free wash you should be happy

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  2. they've done it again ffs can they no handle some banter lol

    1. ferretess


      stop looking at my pics paul


    2. ferretess


      seems to be open again ,, was locked when i first come in said i had to be a donator lol

    3. tilfertilfer


      no its open babe lol

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  3. ferretess


    Have a good yin mr & mrs Johnnyboy
  4. Ooohhh don't you just love these delete me post ,, cry for attention .. but ffs 11 pages long ,, must be raining everywhere today

  5. Send me your IP !!! Sorry for my thickness, but how do i get my ip address? thanks.. As Ian wrote on the first post click on this ... http://www.ipchicken.com/
  6. no it was that walshie....honest Paul you were playing with the buttons tell the truth ,,,
  7. My dogs are kenneled , but that doesn't mean they don't get in the house ,, but they like to try and take over But they give you the evil eyes if they don't get fed on time ..........
  8. I seen underwear being sold too , not only women lol also chewed chewing gum that brittany spears was ment to have spat out
  9. ferretess

    Fao: Lab

    Happy birthday Lab hope you had a good yin
  10. Least you get an hour more away from work Hate the next one an hour less, but thats next year
  11. brilliant pics, cracking set off antlers he's got there
  12. I'm not being ageist but generally I think the older you get the easier life is , Ive worked mainly with men in one job and mainly with women in another and I think I get on better with men ,,, women can be very nippy about your shoes , clothes , your size and make up . I aint no cat walk babe and aint no threat to anyone never have been ,, but I am me and love a laugh , I have a lot of girl friends that are brilliant to be around and we have a great laugh and dont take ourselves seriously, but I also have a few girlfriends that think they are goddesses and love to bitch, all i se
  13. Seriously 5 pages off discussion about pishing in buckets , in the sink , out the window and in the bed some off the conversations on here these days Come on guys , get a grip and get the dogs out
  14. Well winter has started , Flooded roads and fields again :(

    1. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      Where the f**k do you live, 'Tess? Atlantis?


  15. Happy Birthday Mal Hope you've had a gid yin
  16. Well go to the bottom off the garden and take a picture , it will be worth a mint
  17. I think this may be the best place to go for help and support.. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/chatroom/rooms.php good luck
  18. Congratulations all the best to Courtney and Maurice He gorgeous
  19. ferretess


    I'm Welsh, I make her be the lamb! yeah yeah mal ,,, off course you do
  20. ferretess


    just an internet username mate lol Ok Steven. oh dear he doesnae like that name :laugh: do ya steven
  21. Don't be silly her therapist said it wasn't her fault,,, it was yours and everyone elses :tongue2:
  22. Fan dabby dozy teeegeeeee new you couldn't stay away from me too long
  23. Condolences to you and your family. R.I.P. Bunks
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