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Everything posted by ferretess

  1. Yeah so Ive heard , takes allsorts though
  2. you know it well then lol
  3. For years now I have been using AVG free internet security, never had a issue with it and never had any issues with viruses or nothing, Just got a new laptop and set it all up and tried to set up AVG free but they no longer do this free service, What do you guys use ?
  4. Usually someones wild and vivid imagination, or drink ,, A real tough person is some one that deals with things that happen in their life good and bad and not to embarrassed to ask for help when they need it.
  5. The biggest bell bottoms I could find but used to annoy you when you walked , with platform shoes and tartan tops ,, thinking the bay city rollers were the best thing ever ..... and the biggest hair ever ,, we looked the bee's and eee's
  6. don't worry your on the up now, unburdened now Confession's on the god thread. forgive me father for I have sinned ,,, Where's the resident Catholic preacher when you need him ? There's another moan ,,,,, why when you need someone there never around ,,,,,
  7. don't worry your on the up now, unburdened now Confession's on the god thread. forgive me father for I have sinned ,,,
  8. why do people not do what they say there going to do ,,,,,,,,, why do people make empty promises ....... why say one thing and do another ,,,,,,, moan over thanks
  9. Got enough hobbies but getting over an op so more or less house bound, can't walk too far or carry anything yet. Think I've got cabin fever. Take up Knitting nets
  10. I use whatsapp all the time ,, and like you say its free to text and send pictures
  11. Used paypal for years never had a problem , ordered stuff once this went missing , company said nothing they could do they sent it i had to take it up with the post office I contacted paypal they refunded the money and dealt with the company.
  12. Ive got 3 dogs all used to the gun and never bother them , but when any fireworks go off they panic and need reassurance,
  13. trying to browse through for sale section and a malware threat keeps coming up
  14. Why Elmer fudd lol he was so grumpy and shite shot lol looks cool though good luck with pwesky wabbit
  15. Yip 3 Iphones in my house 2 off them had the U2 download ,,,,,,
  16. Sure hunting life although been through a few changes started in 2004 ,, I joined November 2004, There have been lots of other hunting sites but most have not lasted long Hunting life IMO has been the best met loads off good people on hear spoke to a lot more ,, But also been a lot of total Twats that give you a good laugh lol
  17. Maybe i need to go to the beauty parlour get the eyebrows waxed ...
  18. you tell me lol pics on fb lol
  19. If someone comes to your house that you dont know to pick something up and while your talking they ask if your from travelling person's stock, cause you look like you are Is this a compliment or a insult ??
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