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Everything posted by ferretess

  1. Gee bear if you posted them together it would of cost you £6.50
  2. I used to be a werewolf but i'm alright noooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ooops sorry couldn't resist
  3. in al fairness to foxyjon you never sent the right amount of nets and also they were of shit quality, If he not happy he should send them back not ignore him
  4. AAAAwwwwwwww bless congratulations ,,, he's gorgeous well done mum
  5. ferretess


    OMG very nasty indeed
  6. As intimated........ Very loving and loyal, from six months she's known her job, and takes it very seriously. No training required, just a lot of loving, respect and 2 square meals a day.. I dare you...no....I DOUBLE dare you. Matty she still looks cute and see she rules the roost she has the couch where are you ? Any dog can be a guard dogs all got the same teeth and different temperaments never had any problems after we put kennels in the garden and it was russells that were in them,
  7. Don't know about killing the tree's but bloody hell she killed my ears what the hell she screeching for
  8. ferretess


    but you know what they are talking about i'm for the ginga ninja
  9. Nobody it was a dream
  10. Cammo man returns but think he needs a hair cut
  11. What no invite or swimming pool Normal here cold and wet no snow
  12. Oh Dennned my advise would be ermmmmmmmmm get on your knee's and say hunni i didnt really mean it i was only joking i love you really your the best ever and i couldnt get through the day without thinking of you :kiss: :kiss: please please forgive me BUT video it and put it on here i need a good laugh
  13. # oh dennned your gonna get the :protest: :11: :11:
  14. He aint got them yet still waiting for a pm on way or another
  15. very very sad day ,, R.I.P. Nick
  17. some lovely pics but one clear winner for me and thats the one i picked
  18. Hi Got a few 4ft hemp purse nets for sale brand new Yellow draw cord 2" mesh Red draw cord 2" 1/8th mesh 40 nets £2.50 each or make an offer if you want the lot
  19. 3 bird roast chicken duck and turkey with stuffing inbetween
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