Men shouldn't wear zips......its an accident waiting to happen... I'm a button up kind of guy..
So all your buttons popped at the same time ,,,,,,,,, :tongue2:
sorry poacher but mines is better than yours
must say it took me all my energy to touch this one one that that you've got would send me to an early grave
Great job on the skull and the wooden plackard/shield looks 1rst class..... :clapper:
Is that a Roe Buck ?
Yes it's a Roe Buck and he's fair proud off himself and quite right too and as for the job offer lol i'll send him out you can have him for the next 2 months :thumbs:
And thats some size of antlers you have there :notworthy:
My Laddie likes to try different things out he done this from scratch killed it cleaned it and mounted it i think it's pretty good for a first timer
anyone else had a go ???
Sit down and watch and play with them ,, like someone already said the pup picks you :yes:
But when it's your own litter it is a little harder they all come to you,, keep them all tracey