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Everything posted by ferretess

  1. 1 Mattydski 2 Mattydski 3 Mattydski 4 Mattydski 5 Mattydski Because yer black pudding the morning after was soooooooooooooooooo good there we go..........that wasnae difficult was it??? It was a lovely evening and food was delicious and drink was flowing so 1 Mattydski 2 Mattydski 3 Mattydski 4 Mattydski 5 Mattydski :bye: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: Tess ye bum sucker OOOhhhh yes and I is so good at it :angel: :angel:
  2. 1 Mattydski 2 Mattydski 3 Mattydski 4 Mattydski 5 Mattydski Because yer black pudding the morning after was soooooooooooooooooo good there we go..........that wasnae difficult was it??? It was a lovely evening and food was delicious and drink was flowing so 1 Mattydski 2 Mattydski 3 Mattydski 4 Mattydski 5 Mattydski :bye: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
  3. Question for ya ,, the ferret is a albino that has the white stripe , thought waardenburg syndrome only effected coloured ferrets ????? I wasn't saying that ferret had it, i was just giving the info for general curiosity. Out of interest how can you see a white stripe on an albino ferret? You can see the differance in the photo,, was cleaning them out and noticed it coming through the coat
  4. Question for ya ,, the ferret is a albino that has the white stripe , thought waardenburg syndrome only effected coloured ferrets ?????
  5. The ferrets summer coats coming through ferrets are molting and there changing When I was down visiting someone down selby way she took me to a guy that had ferrets for sale wanted a couple of fresh blood, well this was ment to be a Black eyed white it was until it was about 3 months old and changed a lot now he is changing again and now he's got spots i've seen ferrets with black lines down the back but one of my other ones has a white yin
  6. Can I drive the bus ???? please please please
  7. omg!!!! you know what some off you'se on here don't half moan a lot !!!!!!!!

    1. artic


      Hope you got bourbons this time round??

    2. baw


      naaa custard creams..... dont like bourbons

    3. baw


      well noticed ideation, ohh the irony

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  8. Happy Birthday Matty You can celebrate at the weekend instead then have a good yin
  9. Helping my mum with her gardening today came across these slimey predators there is no burns, streams or water near her and this hole is sealed no water in it there is a drain next to it which is part of the sewer would they live in that ?
  10. pmsl Mr POO Huge forrest Sean lots of tree's to hide up in would get a sore neck looking lol but the dogs didnt chase it
  11. Not a bad day disappeared with the dogs came across this some people must have a lot of patience But a little bit further on came across this
  12. You could say that Malt I'm with you on that one Malt too many times and probably an awfully lot more An Johnny boy thats just so wrong
  13. ermmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lovely , lovely what you mean lovely you say lovely to summit that is just lovely,, after a few days with Tess you say great or brilliant or orgasmic not lovely for goodness sake lol
  14. It was and it was yummy specially with the crispy bacon and mushrooms
  15. ferretess

    help lol

    Thats cause they are so worried about your problems TB
  16. ferretess

    help lol

    Oh my !!!! the voice of experience just what a mate told me mmmmm was it a very good mate he was till i sniffed his finger :sick: for some reason now i feel sick too :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: sorry dotty but thats just WRONG
  17. ferretess

    help lol

    Oh my !!!! the voice of experience just what a mate told me mmmmm was it a very good mate
  18. ferretess

    help lol

    Oh my !!!! the voice of experience
  19. ferretess

    help lol

    it wont come out lol Oh I dont think i have heard that before!!!!!!!!! :no: Or maybe try buying some laxatives
  20. Isn't it funny how some things just remind you of people or conversations you had, for some reason I thought of you artic ENJOY !!!!!!!!!! cause i did
  21. Looks like you all had a great time Matty , Glad to see you caught plenty food, You'se worked well on the boat and woo hoo it stayed afloat :notworthy:
  22. Tracey you dont need a wooden spoon hun ,, you spooned just right as it was :icon_redface:
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