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Everything posted by ferretess

  1. ERm if I could make a little suggestion RUBBER RING hole in middle no pressure and you'll feel comfy like sitting on the loo all day
  2. Oh no I didnt know that but anyway I love a challenge and will change that given half the chance :icon_redface: :whistling:
  3. :laugh: you read my mind there Tom lol I was gonna ask that you wearing your kilt to scone ??
  4. Rained here all day and according to forecast pour all day tomorrow might dry up in the evening
  5. vin deisel dwayne johnson jason Stathan :icon_redface: :icon_redface:
  6. He's really good Kay lovely voice
  7. Undertaker , Chyna , loved the way Rikshi got rid of his itchy butt and The Rock very pleasing on the eye
  8. Cats aint daft enough to venture into my garden ,, dogs are always there and they are very territorial
  9. Happy 40th Birthday Hope you have a good yin Love your new outfit suitssss you
  10. Paddy says " I'm thinking of buying a Labrador." "f*ck that" says Mick " Have you seen how many of their owners go blind "

  11. stop it ffs there in love Such a waste
  12. This is what the one next door to me does but not to a frog ,, it comes out and just stands and barks constantly ,, in there house if the phone goes it barks , the door goes it barks , through the night if a car comes into the street it barks ,,, when it's left alone it barks and after a bit it starts to howl, waste of space if you ask me ,, and so are the people that own it
  13. When you get smoke coming from rear wheel on car ,, does that mean best not drive or does it mean the car is as hot as me :)

    1. trappa


      Its as hot as you. But do you smell like a burning tyre? hope not

    2. ferretess


      I dont but the car did


    3. Lab


      typical woman!!!....lol

  14. Well done that man all fixed and can change stuff now thanks Ian
  15. Some lovely snaps there guess you were in the right place at the right time eh!!!!!
  16. oohhhhh deary me there getting worse :icon_eek:
  17. Why do we have to make so many decisions :(

    1. paulus


      cadburys take them and cover them in chocolate lol

    2. ferretess


      NUTSSSSSSSSSS whole hazel nuts mmmmmm


    3. paulus


      you got it tess lol


    4. Show next comments  57 more
  18. He knows your not 50 tracey he got it right he said 57 kisses lol :kiss: :kiss:
  19. At least mine was handdrawn not traced :whistling: that beats the rampant rabbit I suppose lol
  20. Happy Birthday Tracey Have a good yin dont do anything I wouldn't do god help ya OMG!!!!!!!! how old I never thought you were that age
  21. Is that what it is...........i thought it was a f*****g mouse eating a loaf of bread....... ermmmmmm I thought it was pretty good a ferret going into a hole :toast:
  22. keep the pictures coming i and pmsl here. I can't draw to save myself
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