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Everything posted by ferretess

  1. What were you searching for though JT
  2. He looks out of place take a few days to settle in ,, but like his phrase ,, your a diamond and nice accent
  3. beats me how people will moan about it and say how bad it is but they know everyone in it and who they are and where they come from ,, and all the way through it while big brother is on they have to comment, but they swear it is shit and dont watch it :whistling:
  4. Happy Birthday Sean Hope you have a good yin
  5. No one realy likes change at first takes you out your comfort zone ,, but becareful if you don't try change you might get boring I remember the same posts the last time the site was changed and everyone hated it , now the one they all hated they now want back ,, play with it you'll get used to it and yes afraid my name will be on a few profiles to not by mistake though I am just nosey
  6. Yes they would ,, a few years ago I was looking for a lurcher for my laddie, mainly to do a bit of rabbiting, was offered a couple but when I said yes thanks when and where they always backed off time wasters , But one guy pm'd me and said he has a bitch he needs re homing if i was interested come and see it and have a trial if she didn't work out bring her back , Me and my lad went to visit liked what we seen and took her home he wouldn't take nothing for her said I was doing him a favor and taking dog to working home, She has well and truly proved herself, a lot more than he thought,
  7. Must have the same sense off humour Johnny made me laugh too
  8. It was moving really slow but now i've changed to THL fluid easy moves a lot quicker. As for change no one really likes it but you'll get used to it
  9. OOOhhhh I bet you were all excited :laugh: Never mind i'll think off ya when I am sipping my cider
  10. Such a shame mushy lovely and hot here ,, BBQ just warming up nicely and cider on ice
  11. Wished I'd done a few things differently, but then again things you do good or bad , daft or clever make us who we are, and if others don't like me, well thats there loss, as long as you learn by your mistakes and not daft enough to repeat them. life is for living not regretting
  12. ferretess

    J Darcy

    Didn't walk past me ,, took picture of me with cammo man and cammo man's little friend ,, just didnt know who I was :D
  13. yeah yeah yeah !!!!!! blame the dog :hmm: When I go to vet either have 3 dogs with me or box full off ferrets no one comes near me, last time went in weighed the dogs got tablets and left didnt have to hang around
  14. :laugh: but teddy some are so much cuter than others cute :icon_eek: i cannt believe ferrets have came to this...theyll be kc reg next now there's an idea KC reg and add £20 :whistling:
  15. makes a difference to have a post with a bit off humour :thumbs: almost choked on my drink at the 6th one
  16. :laugh: but teddy some are so much cuter than others
  17. Is it a fettish or summit ?
  18. R.I.P. Obviously well respected guy, a good send off by the looks off your pictures
  19. Happy Birthday Stabba Hope you enjoyed your Ice Cream
  20. NO the pups are cute not you :kiss: :kiss:
  21. Don't know speaky ,he could be totally trustworthy However I wouldn't even think of giving my sort code or account number to anyone I didnt know too risky
  22. I'll second that jock and his wife made you feel comfortable whether at there home or a show , and at the shows Jock loved to rib people but this was never taken to heart as it was just criac him and his loud haler RIP Jock
  23. ferretess


    Let me see if I got this right, you've been going out for 3 weeks she calls YOU for sex, she happy for you to do your own thing and you can have your stella when ever you want, and your still moaning :icon_eek: oh dear denial or what :laugh:
  24. Some people just like drawing attention to themselves , drama queen Bogger go tend to the dogs specially the one you pamper in the house softlad
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