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Everything posted by ferretess

  1. ferretess


    Happy Birthday Hope you've had a good yin
  2. would any off you lot really pay that for a knife some people must have more money than sense
  3. Something wrong with Mixpod again ? when i go on profile the music won't play, Tried changing the music thinking maybe it was an old version or summit but new one doesn't play for me either
  4. Think I am starting to get webbed feet :(

    1. mackem


      Syndactyly,look on the bright side,you can swim faster.

    2. The one

      The one

      I thought you had webbed feet?. and six fingers on each hand LOL

    3. dickdastardly


      are you the man from atlantas?

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  5. Out shopping today and came across these lovely tasty treats
  6. it's not text talk and it not scottish it's just not paying attention at school
  7. remember when you used to be able to stay up all night and party and still get through the next day :whistling:
  8. Yes........... I barely noticed it was you when you last overtook me!! lol thats cause you were driving with your eyes shut how can you miss my lovely blue car
  9. Oh does that mean I have to slow down :D
  10. I couldnt snore for these big doggies lol and it was cold lol
  11. I find BBQ's have a similar effect on folk.... and who would that be???? Oh it's you that was a disgrace I was a perfect angel lol
  12. I find BBQ's have a similar effect on folk.... Matty I was a good girl at your BBQ wasnt aye
  13. Oh winning a rosette can be addictive ,, I used to love it ,, But like you state they are working dogs and a rosette doesnt help them work any harder or better.
  14. Probably gonna get shot down for this,, Was reading through some off the show topics here and elsewhere From someone that used to show terriers and help run a few terrier shows for years, why can people just relax and have a good day out, with people that are interested in the same sport. Yeah majority off people take dogs with them that they think will get something and it is a bit disappointing when they get punted Shows should be fun and fill in the summer days till most start going out again and a way off getting to know others and have a bit of a crack, not threats
  15. Are some in need of a Cobbler ? Are some in need of a Cobbler ? Definetely in need of summit
  16. Artic what happened to this place is cursed and we are all doomed :hmm: Do you think you can help all these lost soles :whistling:
  17. No wonder drunks annoy me ,,
  18. Great Danes that come out into there garden and stand and bark and bark nad bark ,, while owner standing watching it then goes in and barks out window at anything that moves waste off space
  19. Not a virgin engineer however with another sort of HD box usually the scart cable the issue ,, go back to beginning switch off take all cables and wires out reinsert them switch on and try again,
  20. Any one for Garlic Jelly ,,,
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