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Everything posted by ferretess

  1. Thought you would have gone to see your pal and had one of her beautiful capons shes worked so hard on lol you can have chicken any day
  2. hello and fit like really hello and welcome
  3. Home made soup ( thin soup so leavesplenty room for everything else ) Turkey with all the trimmings off course only one christmas dinner a year but we are also having a 4 bird roast with it from Aldi.. Homemade trifle
  4. Ker Plunk Buckeroo My own camera and it was a instamatic thought i was the bee's and eee's instant pics and cost a fortune so could't afford the spools after the 2 i got with it and you still get space hopper got one last year was ment to be a joke but good for keep fit
  5. looking good martin be even better if it was black
  6. Opinion are like arsehoes everyone has one :)

    1. paulus


      arseholes are like onions rough and smelly

  7. lol you just beat the humour on hunting life

    1. paulus


      you being funny like...lol

  8. Thanks but I just tried this erm a few times still no luck guess i will just have to maybe take jacko's advise and put it in and unlock
  9. oh jacko i new i could rely on you for butt hole in the dark stiggy Geeee is there nothing sacred anymore :blink: :tongue2:
  10. Problem solved lol one is bad enough dont you start
  11. oh jacko i new i could rely on you to be a ermmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm pal and give good advice lol it's a pain in the butt trying to find the key hole in the dark
  12. Anyone a little mechanically minded on here ? My keys have suddenly stopped opening my car press the button and the led light still flashes but doors don't unlock or lock, got the battery changed still the same. Will taking it to a dealer to reset it sort it or is the remote knackered ? and if so anyone know what it would cost roughly ??
  13. Just leading you into a false sense off security :D be afraid be very afraid
  14. ferretess

    slip leads

    Used to use rope but like scothunter got a few off of strong stuff
  15. Why oh why when someone selling something they write pm me with an offer,, you should know what your looking for put a price on it gggrrrrrrrr ok rant over :)

    1. ferretess


      jackooooooooo you know me i aint the grumpy type lol xxxx


    2. just jack
    3. rob190364


      must be jam rag week, ha ha!

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  16. Think I was a size 6 when i was born ,, oh i like padding while i am sitting stuffing cream cakes down me my 22" neck .. and my bellies love being spoilt,, but my ideal man should be between 6ft and 6ft 4 gorgeous 6 pack for me to run my stubby fingers over ,, a nice tn and big muscley arms but have to be big arms to cuddle me. :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
  17. You always know when christms is coming when you see the holidays are coming coke a cola advert on the telly seen it twice now
  18. Well Martin like you said if it wasn't for your truck you could be a lot worse ,, hope your managing beeter now ? you get goosebumps when you seen your truck ,, like you said brought it all back
  19. You have lost me tess.... ???? i had to google it and it was a crime drama....!!!!!!!!!!! haha thats the one he was building a house through out the whole series lol
  20. Hey snappy did you have a tv programme in the 70's lol petroceli or summit lol :tongue2:
  21. Try a wee visit to the cremmie or do they go into the fire too you should post a piccy as well just to make sure :thumbs:
  22. M mum got shingles about 18 months ago and still suffering, nothing doctors can do just has to take painkillers, she has good days an bad days, the older you are the worse they can be seemingly
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