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Everything posted by ferretess

  1. Has it got upto date maps on it ?
  2. New ones on table bad luck, old shoes on table unhygienic! why duncan do you no clean your shoes or wipe them on the mat :tongue2:
  3. When the bells start on auld years night open back door then go open front door, chases auld year out and welcome in the new year, and hopefully a better one and no shoes on table new or old
  4. Dont know how you noticed but i'll give you that your right doesnt move at all :whistling:
  5. some people will do anything to get people on there profile ,,, then they moan about profile stalkers
  6. The big freeze 2010 / 11 This used to be a loch was thinking off walking on water
  7. artic just give up Is Fife the surroundng area's I hate doing windows
  8. Anyone else having issues with pages constantly loading, or if you your posting it constantly loads have to cancel site down and call it back up and try again ?

    1. ferretess


      oh believe me thats a definate, your unique lol

    2. tomano1


      Fleck that I've just looked at that be thank full and left a message to me mam x

    3. paulus


      yes me anf its flecking anoying....lol

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  9. Or someone thats just trying to wind you up or make you uneasy ,, do ya think he's managed ?
  10. plenty eating there paul your geting better keep it up
  11. Keep them both then I'm a little but bias i like the brindle one good luck
  12. Very sad ,, She did have a terrific voice ,,, such a shame she chose to do drugs,, r.i.p.
  13. Don Don't tell me you either have the exchange next door to you or your fibre optic ?
  14. ferretess


    Ive done that trying to stop it when you realize you've clicked on the wrong thing,like sending a text message to the wrong person. Ive done that trying to stop it when you realize you've clicked on the wrong thing,like sending a text message to the wrong person. Ive done that trying to stop it when you realize you've clicked on the wrong thing,like sending a text message to the wrong person. that could be funny or dangerous
  15. ferretess


    some times if you click on a post you click wrong bit and might go into the profile instead other times people are just blinking nosey
  16. ferretess

    The chat room

    The chat room is what ever you make it ,, if people cant get on not the chat rooms fault,, saying that you cannae beat a good debate
  17. It's hillaries end off series again cant wait for series 3 now
  18. lovely pictures paul,, if at first you dont suceed try try again and it paid off :thumbs: your so romantic too :laugh: :laugh:
  19. R.I.P Jock met him a few times on the show scene, condolences to his family and friends
  20. Facebook is like any site you only ever put on it what you don't mind other people knowing about you, It's the net what ever you do on the net can be checked up on, Don't be daft enough to put summit up that you shouldnt be doing or illegal end off, Facebook can be fun as long as you remember majority off people on it tell lies or stretch the truth a little
  21. Guys if you don' like them dont watch them , use your remote control and change the channel or close the paper you might not like them but they get a lot of money to annoy use
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