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Everything posted by ferretess

  1. Get a dog, unconditional love and they dont judge you, no matter what colour your hair they will always be your friend
  2. I've bought a lot off of here never had a problem yet I usually pm them though and not comment on the post
  3. Anyone got a boat for sale , going to need one if it rains again tonight

    1. Lab


      68mm of rain fell over night here seemingly......unreal!!

    2. paulus


      the norm for this year mate, so much for global warming....lol

    3. ferretess


      oh paulus do inflatables have sails like lol

      roads were bad last night with surface water this morning they were well flooded,


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  4. Don't worry paulus the dinner is almost ready, and wll be as delicious as normal
  5. A bright sunny day although quite chilly least it was dry, decided to take the dogs and ferrets out for a wee walk thought since the past few mornings it's been a bit frosty that it might off had an effect in the cover and nettles, but no they are still in full growth, But the dog and ferrets got plenty work and what views while your waiting for them to bolt wasn't out long got a couple off bunnies but had a good day be a lot better when the cover dies back a bit
  6. 48 hours into it, and what I will say, without giving anything away, is "you wouldnt believe it if I told you" :laugh: +1 +2 I got time geez a laugh there was this englishman or was he irish or was he scottish At least we can dismiss the welsh then ive been abused you so wish :laugh: by Jimmy Saville... nnooooooooo duncan thats just not right pmsl
  7. 48 hours into it, and what I will say, without giving anything away, is "you wouldnt believe it if I told you" :laugh: +1 +2 I got time geez a laugh there was this englishman or was he irish or was he scottish At least we can dismiss the welsh then ive been abused you so wish :laugh:
  8. 48 hours into it, and what I will say, without giving anything away, is "you wouldnt believe it if I told you" :laugh: +1 +2 I got time geez a laugh there was this englishman or was he irish or was he scottish At least we can dismiss the welsh then
  9. 48 hours into it, and what I will say, without giving anything away, is "you wouldnt believe it if I told you" :laugh: +1 +2 I got time geez a laugh
  10. It's not well done guyz it's good luck poor cookie do you hear the violin playing
  11. yes it works must be you I managed it no bother http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/242565-adding-profile-music/ try that
  12. Very sad indeed R.I.P. craigyboy
  13. watched it from the start has me giggling everytime, they are hillaries , but they are putty in there wives hands.
  14. Oh I am like a bad penny always turn up, never far away cant remember last time I was in chat ,, place is like a morgue. unfortunetly can't rewind the clock a few years when it was fun and entertaining in the huntng life chat where even the teenies and anti's were worried to stay about in chat they coudnt handle the banter oh remanising these were the good auld days welcome back anne but you've not been lost I see you on facebook and tracey as for old trout not me that smells of fish :tongue2:
  15. brilliant pictures shows all the details love th ears in the first one :thumbs:
  16. not a nice comment that is it Mr potato head nowt wrong with my house, whats yours like ferret features oh wait a minute you dont do nothing around the house i bet
  17. no kiss????? Sorry donny :wub: :air_kiss: hope you've had a good yin
  18. All the best guyz, Happy Birthday
  19. So happy thought it was me being ignored and had no pals joking aside the weather goes to pot the banks go haywire now o2 ,,,, the end is nigh ..
  20. What a clever laddie I have woo hoo he passed his driving test today, thats me lost my car now lol

    1. B.P.R


      Flaming hell. That's terrible news. I really feel for you and baldy

    2. ferretess


      no lee it's good news I couldnt afford to keep paying for lessons lol anymore and you wouldnt get any tea and biscuits when you visit lol

    3. The Duncan

      The Duncan

      Well done mini-ferret!

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  21. not a lot and anyway you need to be a donator
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