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Everything posted by ferretess

  1. you should off kept it for johnnyboy ,, he likes it and the smellier the better :laugh:
  2. Thanks but i prefer the lasagne ;) What about these tess? 285355_387896811305884_1463339802_n.jpg pmsl shame i aint into fish prefer beef curtains pmsl you doctored me post ,,, tut tut :laugh: :laugh: I like cheese :tongue2: anyway its still snowing but looks like its mixed with rain so prayers answered
  3. Thanks but i prefer the lasagne ;) What about these tess? 285355_387896811305884_1463339802_n.jpg pmsl shame i aint into fish prefer beef curtains pmsl you doctored me post ,,, tut tut
  4. Thanks but i prefer the lasagne ;) What about these tess? 285355_387896811305884_1463339802_n.jpg pmsl shame i aint into fish prefer beef
  5. Thanks but i prefer the lasagne ;) look who i bumped into outside the jobcentre No snow there then did he pray for you too most of the vatican would need to join him to have any effect on my heathen ways :laugh: that is very very true ,, but they do say there is always hope ,,, and if at first you dont succeed try try again
  6. Thanks but i prefer the lasagne ;) look who i bumped into outside the jobcentre No snow there then did he pray for you too
  7. Thanks but i prefer the lasagne ;)
  8. Snowed all morning eased off this afternoon ,,, but its very white outside been a few car crashes people should learn to drive, just ease off the throttle a little bit and keep going praying for rain now
  9. Don't think anyone can really answer these questions , unless it happens to you or someone in your family in the real life. wether i would turn my kids in for doing something ,, I dont really know. If someone harmed any off my kids in real life ,, I would do time ,,, I would not forgive or forget,,
  10. It's all dye ,,,, underneath it all he is Ginger ;) Roll on the summer bgi brother
  11. erm and whats wrong with vin deisel dwayne johnston jason stathan Ross kemp :icon_redface: :icon_redface: :icon_redface: they maybe bald but very pleasing on the eye who needs implants , didnt do much for elton john
  12. oh bobo you know i need a warning before i can make it do i have a day or 2 ??
  13. Do you deliver for a mug off steamy hot coffee and a chocy biccy, Do I get to try before I buy
  14. ferretess


    broken english is very hard to understand specially over a phone irish and welsh can be difficult too
  15. My kids loved either haggerston caravan park or berwick holiday park ,,, always something for kids to do as long as they like to mix , Maybe a little over the border but had many good holidays there, and they also do the sun £9.50 holiday if you fancy a cheap taster
  16. oh i bet you liked it a bit to much and started to drool take the hankie down from your sleeve and wipe :wub:
  17. dont you love attention seekers, hi i'm new love the site , chat shite ,, cannae handle it how do i delete myself, ffs if you dont likje what you see dont sign in,... ok rant over :)

    1. ferretess


      aw bless a man off the world :)

    2. albert64


      the 4th wife used to say that

    3. ferretess




      they do say variety is the spice off life

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  18. cannae beat a good bullx mick eh hahaha ill never have a dog with suliki or bull in it hahahahaha WHO SAID THAT :huh: :icon_eek: :whistling: :icon_redface: dont worry i didnt say a thing ,, most off the old lot have gone quiet or on FB
  19. So strong stuff sorry but gotta ask you like the school teacher type judging by first picture but tell me was it you that took the morning after piccy too :yes: :laugh: Oh yes! Photos now deleted, felt a bit mean ......... oohh but you had one last wee look before binning it off course
  20. So strong stuff sorry but gotta ask you like the school teacher type judging by first picture but tell me was it you that took the morning after piccy too :yes: :laugh:
  21. Hope you've all got your wellies and wadders ready for the next few day,

  22. Great to get out and about with your kids mine both loved it, She looks so happy and proud, georgeous lass
  23. looking for a 1 litre car would prefer a corsa or micra or something similar for my laddie as he is only 18 and needs something to go out and about in. Preferable in scotland Thanks Tess
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