I once had a chat to a guy in chat , best not name him ,, but he said he used to love picking up road kill ,,, such a waste to drive or walk past some thing that could be used else where , he said it was him attempt at recycling.
Always think its funny when you talk to people you have this image in your head ,, when you meet them they always look different ,, and shyer :laugh:
met a few from the hunting life a lot of lovely guyz and gals on here only met one a*******e so far :thumbs:
failing that rejoin using a new email and your existing username only add a . on the end, then pm ianb and ask him to merge both accounts
Just as well I read this twice ,, I thought you were suggesting an alias
I agree about Hotmail changing over to Skype total pain ,, took me 3 days to access emails on the lappy wouldn't accept or let me change my password..
Just try deleting all cookies sign out of here and sign back in and try changing email address again ,, took me 3 or 4 attempts when I changed provider too