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Everything posted by blitz87

  1. How much dettol a cap to a bucket of water?
  2. I do abit ratting love it whats the best thing to wash the dogs down with dettol?
  3. My friend has 6 6week old pups saluki bull greys it was whins rex dog over my mates bull grey they should make handy allrounders
  4. Katchum if we were talking preban quarry though i would say coursing dog x lamper make good edible quarry dog but thats a different topic atb
  5. Katchum its not keeness with coursing dogs there keen its more there running style they go the long way around to get the rabbit if you know what i mean it isnt needed for a rabbit just a quick direct straight to the point type is needed for rabbits on the lamp thats my opinion and the coursing type isnt it
  6. If i had to pick it would be 3/4 or 5/8grey just because i like the speedy dogs and those rabbits can move on the seed
  7. Beddy whip grey or collie whip grey something like them would be my choice
  8. I think alot of coursing dogs dont have the urgency needed for lamping rabbits or catching bolters.they catch them no doubt but not aswell as a lurcher with very little saluki
  9. this is her out ratting the other night not much about but lets her relive her youth.she loved ratting bless
  10. old pic from few years ago shes retired now would love another whippet but cant remember last time i seen a rabbit around here
  11. Anyone been to whins and showed him what a real dog is then just curious As he seems to think his are best any good dogs matched him and how did it go?
  12. Yes theres a difference brighter light not as yellow
  13. I had my 140halogen out with 100w bulb in it and it was twice the light of my mates tracer 150.halogen is way better for running dogs in my opinion them led 150 more suited for guns
  14. So none of these people using rex have never seen him work just going by what they were told.i thought the mighty WHIN would have been more than happy to show the dog work? Whats the stud fee anyway
  15. Hi lads/lasses looking to get out with a genuine terriermen for legit terrierwork to show me the right ways.i have a lakie bitch 17month would like ago.i know plenty about hunting with lurchers airifles ferrets ratting so not too green lol just never been out with terriers can use shovel not a problem im a respectable person not a idiot. northeast cheers
  16. Gaz i was meaning kennel dog in a proper kennel insulated draft free soft bedding and clean concrete run etc this is only way i would keep dogs in kennelsif it wasnt like that i wouldnt consider it a kennel . dogs would have feet soaked in warm water and all dryed be fed on return then kenneled for night morning little walk to slacken off then food back in kennel walked on night time or worked
  17. My dogs are in and out.i was talking about this with a mate last week and still cant make my mind up on it.kennel dogs walked and worked all they really look forward to is work? house dog has fire human contact all day/night sofa treats cuddling into to lass etc ha ha.so when they have been out 3or 4 nights a week and feeling tired/stiff will the house dog just roll over on the sofa for its belly tickled all night while kennel dog is bouncing on kennel door when it hears the leash hmmm? I think you might see more keeness in kennel dog when there older and have been worked hard
  18. I thought thats all the dog was when i seen it at a show i could still smell the shampoo on him.so anyone seen the dog work
  19. Nice pup and dam has many people seen the sire rex run? i hear hes this and that Off people but thats just what they have been told aswell.rex looks the part like i seen it at a show once
  20. My friend has a 150 they have a good range and no hassle with cable battery etc and isnt as blue colour as my clulite but eyes dont show up aswell and rabbits with there back to you seemed to blend in more compared to halogen 170 i use harder to spot stuff if your searching an area quickly
  21. Socks are you giving yourself a pat on the back for the condition of that pup it dont look any different to one thats walked around the block for 10mins
  22. Nice looking pup wouldnt fancy jogging a 7month old pup up to 12mile a day she be broke before she starts
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