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About blitz87

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. How much dettol a cap to a bucket of water?
  2. I do abit ratting love it whats the best thing to wash the dogs down with dettol?
  3. My friend has 6 6week old pups saluki bull greys it was whins rex dog over my mates bull grey they should make handy allrounders
  4. Katchum if we were talking preban quarry though i would say coursing dog x lamper make good edible quarry dog but thats a different topic atb
  5. Katchum its not keeness with coursing dogs there keen its more there running style they go the long way around to get the rabbit if you know what i mean it isnt needed for a rabbit just a quick direct straight to the point type is needed for rabbits on the lamp thats my opinion and the coursing type isnt it
  6. If i had to pick it would be 3/4 or 5/8grey just because i like the speedy dogs and those rabbits can move on the seed
  7. Beddy whip grey or collie whip grey something like them would be my choice
  8. I think alot of coursing dogs dont have the urgency needed for lamping rabbits or catching bolters.they catch them no doubt but not aswell as a lurcher with very little saluki
  9. this is her out ratting the other night not much about but lets her relive her youth.she loved ratting bless
  10. old pic from few years ago shes retired now would love another whippet but cant remember last time i seen a rabbit around here
  11. Anyone been to whins and showed him what a real dog is then just curious As he seems to think his are best any good dogs matched him and how did it go?
  12. Yes theres a difference brighter light not as yellow
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