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Everything posted by OneManAndHisDog

  1. You are so lucky to have paths like that. I have either roads with cars on them, or miles of track, but between woods lifting with all manner of forbidden wild life: kind of makes any bike trip a heart-in-mouth occasion even with the dogs on leads; never know when a munty is going to appear round the corner The root I take her on is all depending on how fit she is, so if I need her feet tightening up I've got a root planed out on the road or on the fields got a root for that and her stamina aswell, the root that's on the pic is all different types of ground start of on road then on to dirt tr
  2. I go on the bike everywhere about 14 km is my normal root and she just trots next to me all the way
  3. you still got these mate No sorry mate just got rid of them
  4. Pie-eater, Nice one mate glad it all turned out ok for you, I've kept the to poleys hob and Jill and I wanted to keep one of them albino hobs but dad won't let me because all the hobs look like there gonna be good grafters
  5. 8 weeks old today and ready to go I've still got the two albino hobs if anybody is interested
  6. No he's not Grown out out of it yet, he doesn't do it in the sleeping compartment so not really bothered, when you clean them out try and use some what you just cleaned out and put it in the corner
  7. Yeah I've got a Hob that does it aswell
  8. Still got these two lads if anybody wants them pm for any questions, Manchester Area
  9. Cheers mate there all great kits there's not really a runt in the litter ether there all very strong kits
  10. Cheers mate there all great kits there's not really a runt in the litter ether there all very strong kits
  11. I've got a small but strong albino hob here mate if you want he'll be ready on the 24th I've got the mum and dad aswell can be seen, just letting you know haha
  12. I've got 2 albino hobs left out off a litter of 5, there 7 weeks old and will be ready on the 24th July all the kits have turned out really strong for there age, both parents can be seen, there only small type ferret and been fed on mainly rabbit, pigeon, fish and chicken
  13. 6 weeks old today, the poley hob has turned into like a sandy coloured hob
  14. I had one like that not the collar though, the Jill had hold of a rabbit we could here it and see it bu couldn't reach it so dug 3 foot down to it got the ferret but no rabbit so put the ferret back in and she didn't move from about 2 foot from where we just dug so this happened about 6 times digging 3 foot every time it ended up being a baby rabbit that she was dragging then stopping to eat then dragging again
  15. 5 weeks old now and all there eyes are open now and they can't get enuf of rabbit as well
  16. Theres ferrets that will go down a hole and bolt a few then there's working ferrets that will clear a warren and will push most out. I've got 2 Jill sisters that one of them will go down and get a few out but the other one is quality won't come out until there's nothing left in there, I've just bred the better one out of the 2 and got 5 kits out of her 1 Jill witch I will keep and 4 hobs and I'll probably keep 1 of the hob aswell
  17. Hob called Henry and 2 Jill called holly and Jemima haha
  18. My kits started eating yesterday, strange thing but 1 of my kits has had her eyes open since day 20, thought that wouldn't happen until week 4 at least. Amazing how fast they grow at this age, I suppose another week and its time to start handling them a bit. I know yeah the poley hob has one eye open nearly aswell
  19. Update on the kits just wanted to do one every week to see there progress, they can't get enuff of rabbit now
  20. I know yeah think I'll do that tomorrow
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