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Everything posted by OneManAndHisDog

  1. Neil b my dad's mate has a dog that has the same build/shape as that one in your pics, great looking dogs.
  2. A few pictures of the dog from this session didn't take many pics, the last picture is when the rabbit bolted that's why it's fuzzy.
  3. Small Jill's for me, hardly any digging but can hold a rabbits if it needs to, can get over a rabbit to bolt it and can get though a purse net but got to admit I do like a small but strong hob now and again?
  4. About two weeks ago my young Hob came bouncing out the warren died proud of its self with a baby rabbit in it's mouth, never seen it before in my life ha
  5. Always had bells on the collars of mine, got a cat bell on one and a bell of a chocolate rabbit on the other ha, good help when you can't see the poley coloured in the rough
  6. Yeah they look abit different in that picture think it's the way I took it but there exactly the same can't tell them apart
  7. Yeah I was thinking about something like that but wasn't sure, thanks for all the replies and advise lads
  8. Okay cheers lads thanks for the replies. Just wile I'm here does anyone know what you can put on a ferret to recognise them because I've got to Jill's who are sisters and most of the time I can't tell them apart? Could I put chalk on one of them or something like that?
  9. Cheers pie-eater, how do you think I should introduce then and were should I introduce them?
  10. I've never had Hobs before always had Jill but got a Hob last summer and when I went and got it, it was abit nippy but a soon as I got him home he bit the crap out of me right to the bone couldn't handle him with out him bighting me. He's 8 months now and I can handle him fine, but thinking of getting another Hob this summer, of my dad's mate and all his ferrets are qwolaty workers to had to my team and bring in some new blood into the my line. Just worried about the kit because I don't want home to kill the kit or hurt if. So just wondering when to introduce them/what age and how to introdu
  11. No she'll be fine, I crept mine on the lead wile introducing them, do one ferret two might be to much and when she got to giddy or growled at it pulled her back taped her on the nose and said NO! Know she doesn't even both with them.
  12. My small bitch 19inch great little ferreting dog
  13. Digdeeper I know could of used with a terrier to get through the roots
  14. Don't think so mate it's my dad's mates dog great ferreting dog he got it from up north collie lurcher if it mark a set there is defiantly a rabbit at home doesn't make a mistake
  15. Went out on Saturday morning out for 7 got there for about half 7 got the 2 ferret my Jill and my hob also the lurcher. Qwick walk to the first warren that was only about 8 holes, netted it up put the hob and Jill in a different ends about 2-3 minutes the hob bolted one out, one in the bag, took him out and not seen the Jill for a good 10 minutes located her a about 2 half foot, got about 2 foot in and she came out with out her coller on great had to find that, got it then moved on to the next set about 5 minutes after putting them in the Jill bolted one after that they both came out so moved
  16. Sounds like it was a good day, love bolting them for the lurcher
  17. My dad's old bitch (Rocky), saluki greyhound x whippet greyhound
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