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Everything posted by No1DogMan

  1. I've read a few of you posts. You seem to like the bed crosses? Have you ever had a bush dog or always just used the lurchers?
  2. Can see a touch of somethink in her now you said. Seen a few (mike brown) whippets not too dissimilar to her but heard he added bull and grey way back. Who knows. Nice thing all the same.
  3. could be I own a dog kennle for strays an jackers That's not what I had heard. But not far off...
  4. Good and bad in all. They ain't wonder dogs like some make out. Plenty "minshaws" up my way.
  5. How much work have the parents done and how old are they? Thanks.
  6. Nice pics. I like that whippet a lot.
  7. Thanks for the replies fellows. Bullx100 are you the lad from Staffordshire who has been through more mutts than dogs trust?
  8. I feed chipped bananas, tinned tomatoes and cubes of lard a few times a week but what's the story behind bicarbonated soda?
  9. I agree. Better not to post at all than post and then have a mod question wether you broke the law or not. What's a mod?
  10. Get it used to as much new stuff as poss. Gates, ditches, fences (under and around, not jumping at this age). Livestock, livestock and livestock.
  11. Your Plummer is a fantastic looking dog.
  12. Hope everyone had a great day. That's a fantastic photo and a stuning dog. How did you get righting over the picture?
  13. I know lots of young lads who have gon and got little beddy whippets or collie whippets cuz they only want to do rabbits... Only to later "get in with" some older lads with proper dogs and then "find themselves wanting". So 12 months down the line the little lurcher is being used as a bushing dog and they've gone and got a bigger dog in. Seen it hapen countless times over the years. Just sometning to think about.
  14. I like that. Wanna get one dun myself. "The one" if he put it lower it wud need to be on string floating in the door way
  15. Just seen a post where a lad is using his bed-whip for bushing. Doesn't seen to be the dun thing really. Or is hit? Maybe his lurcher failed at most tasks for a lurcher as expected from the breed and he just thort let's keep hit as a bush dog. Or do they brung sum thing to the table?
  16. New member here. Not really number 1 dog man. Probably number 2 or 3. Ahahah. Had runing dogs for 30 years and stil learning.
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