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About Richynkelly

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. iv got one mate but not home till the 7th so if you don't get sorted by then let me know
  2. Hi has any one near Middlesbrough got any spare ferrets don't mind paying whould be very great full has my new pem want me to ferret it
  3. We're you from mate we're can I pick from
  4. Hi could any help me out I need a new ferret as I've just lost mine to cancer I would be very great full if any one could sort me one out I don't mind paying I'm located Middlesbrough cheers
  5. Hi just wondering before I order some nets [BANNED TEXT]'s best 6oz or 8oz nets to use cheers
  6. Out today first bit permission started ok then some idiot women come over shouting and screaming calling us evil b*****ds lol then went to another bit permission and as we walked on field we see a stoat chasing rabbits about the field then back in the holes were going to do so I shot the long net up around the set and half way throw one bolted straight into the net certasy of the stoat but then put the ferrets dawn feet her up the hedge row and the stoat had allready clears the rest of the sets so packet up and went home
  7. You can use the back of an ariel plug [BANNED TEXT] goes in the back ya tv
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