Fury was 30lb extra flab, flab dont need oxygen, but he could build himself better legs and a stronger core to generate more explosive power which will equate to more force behind his punch, prob just a battle of the roids at this stage
Furys problem is hes not the concussive puncher like a lot of others in the hw division, for being the biggest he lacks that power that could have made the difference but i guess it was back to boxing, jack dempsy already put up the blue print on how to fell the giants 100 years ago
To fight holyfield you need to put petrol on yer face and head to toughen up the skin ready for his constant head butting, i never liked holyfield but cant deny his abilities or achievement's
Then if the native men dont take it upon themselves to rid the nation of the scum then either move and let oul wanker,king charles have them, or just take whats coming, thats the only choices we have