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Everything posted by Lenmcharristar

  1. Long time coming, now what id like to know is if it does happen, and the mass deportations happen and a revolution in politics and we get reform, where does that leave the royals? For me they should be kicked out of the uk for they have rewarded the perpetrators and laughed in the uk natives faces, remember woke king is letting this all happen
  2. Exactly lads, should be a semi finals, i rekon bunting vs mvg in the finals
  3. Got demoprat all over it
  4. Exposure to low temps is what theyre using
  5. Good match here littler vs joyce 3-3
  6. My brother wants to do the exact same mate
  7. The problem with the unions is, theyre fulla lazy b*****ds and now been hijacked by the left wing, they helped ruin the british economy by the thatll do attitude, never go above and beyond, started in the 70s in the car industry. All the leaders took bribes to sign your rights away and its still that way in jaguar/landrover, should be world beating but ended up unreliable pure shite
  8. Well then noahs flood, the last one that killed off 95% of the planers life and created the coal seams, that ended the last ice age
  9. Look at the proof of the global flood, as mentioned in the bible aswell, theyve found the evidence all over the globe
  10. Can you blame him when we see how fecked up the left have taken humanity the last 10 tears
  11. For those who believe this planet is all the hell they will see, for those who dont this planet is all the heaven they will see
  12. Hes known as the goly llamha hes had that many reincarnations on here
  13. Jesus is the earthly version, sent in human form so that we understand the message, remember we are made in gods image
  14. Well its up to us wether we believe or not, he gave us free will
  15. Lads watch it with pride in your heart, for he went through all that to save us.
  16. Yep thats right, jesus wanted the message put across
  17. I always liked them, but youd need a decent one from a pup, that thing i had was only ever good at turning food into poo
  18. It seems to have that recharging effect, gets rid of stress and worries, just lets us see theres more to life than the rat race
  19. The good Lord knew what he was doing creating flora and fauna, he did it to help reset our clocks and use it as therapy
  20. I had 1 and it was a spastic, dont know any other word to use for it, a fecking dodo dime bar
  21. Great film. Some weird stuff happened during the making
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