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Everything posted by Lenmcharristar

  1. Youll be like noah all over again greyman
  2. Other than knocking gear out, what do you work at to retire at 34? Crypto?
  3. Well if you look at what it says, we weee like grass hoppers in his eyes, that thing is a fossil that lays across the whole of north africa you can see it in full view, a dragon
  4. Look at leviathan from the bible, he lays across the whole of north africa, with the cut across its neck where Gods sword slain him, its there for all to see this is its head
  5. Can the trumpinator not reverse or cancel those pardons?, killary is due to answer for her crimes too
  6. They should let us kill the dealers with full protection against prosecution, as the man on the street knows whos doing what
  7. Black poodle headed cu nt needs his teeth fixed with a crowbar
  8. Those old wraps are as dry as ghandis sandal
  9. we trick when making a snowball for somebody you dont like, make sure theres a decent sized stone in the middle
  10. How do you know? When you look at that evidence and the bible
  11. You need to get out shooting invading cans, mexicans africans and any other can invading your country
  12. I hope this isvthr start of a golden age again, better keep an eye on loony leftist fanatics hit squad, love to see the demoprats in jail then him to sort out over here
  13. Minkenry I think he was called, Joseph carter
  14. Outstanding, long overdue, the fight will be worth it as anything good is always worth fighting for
  15. Youll pick it up from the bible
  16. When God made adam and eve, the genetics and dna were perfect, hence why they are our paternal and maternal great times 10k grand parents, but after the eve incident then the genome amd dna started to degrade and mutate and now we have all kinds of diseases and stuff that can be bred to type, we need a tweek from jesus to get rid of all the stuff that causes ilness to happen, it was tried with noah and his linage but again we were probably infected with nephilim dna thats let it keep degrading
  17. Yes it was, its humour ffs catch a grip, all my friends who went through the rc church say it too, if it doesnt look like a duck, doesnt talk like a duck but walks like a duck, it probably went through the catholic church
  18. For those who believe, this earth is all the hell they will see, for those who dont, this earth is all the heaven they will ever see
  19. Yes, hence why when iraq was illegally invaded the 1st things stolen was artifacts from its museums, and before modern iraq it was ancient Mesopotamia, and the annunaki history of winged beings who came to earth from the heavens
  20. No evidence? The evidence is all around us, even as far back as the old testament, all been proven by the discovery of the buried pharaoh's found in egypt, noahs ark remains discovered in Ararat in Turkey, the chariots they found in the red sea, the great fountains of the deep in the deep oceans, the fossil beds that show global floods and the sediments which proves noahs flood, check out the permafrosts in russia and alaska, the bible has been proven correct many times over the years so why not the existence of God?
  21. Also shows its no fluke either, its follows a pre programmed method, something that isnt common in nature, only special to this plane called earth, also vibrations that we exist on keeps us only seeing what happens here on earth, change the frequency and a lot of other stuff happens, its too big for our mortal minds to comprehend
  22. Look at creation in the atomic and cellular levels, DNA too, its far too smart to just come out of nowhere, its been programmed to follow suit and to change over time to allow adaptations so survival can happen,
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