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Everything posted by Lenmcharristar

  1. Judi Hewitt if your reading this I hope you rot in jail somewhere or better still a mental institute never to grace public life again, your a complete nutter who fondles herself over the sight of furry animals, twisted in the head and think your living in a Disney movie where all creatures talk English to each other. We'll in the real world it's only the strong survive and the weak, sick get eaten alive. So you ignorant excuse of a woman I hope you get your commupence. That goes to every anti, especially the ones with leather furniture and belts and shoes and handbags.
  2. yes because you can't teach yourself if you don't know the correct facts. The northern 6 as you put it, is also known as Northern Ireland which has its own border and it's own flag , not the Union Jack, the queen is head of state her head is on the money, when swearing an oath it's for queen and country, the schools are British education systems, the NHs and the dole are all British systems, no matter how you dress it up its part of gb, Scotland recently voted for separation and voted no so they remain as part of gb , the union, and I'd put money on it over here a border poll would be vote
  3. it's got nothing to do with sectarianism, it's the truth. That's like saying the r.o.i is part of Germany, because of the euro zone. Northern Ireland is part of gb just like Falklands, Gibraltar, asscention Islands, Scotland, Wales, Jersey, Guernsey etc etc
  4. Gold and orange are 2 differant colours ... Don't think the missus would be happy with oranges as ear rings ... If a paki is born in Ireland from 2 paki parents is he Irish ??? No , so what does it matter where I was born? .. A person born in Ireland is irish, regardless of there parents origin. You are a fucktard. What part of England are you from lol well that's true and up to the individual themselves, but people born in Northern Ireland are British, as it's part of the uk no matter how many gurn about it, her head is on the back of the money and the politicians are on the British payr
  5. Brilliant pics blaise , keep at it, good luck,
  6. Walshie, I thought you were advertising prosies , as a Christmas deal lol
  7. There's some grumbling oul gits in here, merry Christmas to you all, it could be worse, after all it's better than Ramadan
  8. Yep uru , same for you in the us chum. Same for all and hope you have a productive Boxing Day out
  9. There was some old farts on here lol, mid 90s. In high school my 1st dog was a 3/4 grey 1/4 collie he was a decent all rounder and hunting made me pack in golf . But we had great memories my friends and I with our dogs and ferrets and bow legged russells
  10. As someone mentioned, Scarlett could pish all over me compared to those 2mentioned, Rachel Riley would get the 4ws
  11. Good vid minkenry I know for definite I couldn't take my patt near rats, ferrets or mink lol
  12. Some good vids on here, my own fav was Marciano, but it's a hard game respect to them all,
  13. Thanks lads hopefully be a decent place with like minded people
  14. The pieps box works well too, but I guess as long as it locates your dog they're a must have part of kit nowadays
  15. The we one 2nd in is your best I reckon lol, like the Russell too, the mate has a good one bout 8 yr old fox dog still working away
  16. Hi people, new to the site, hopefully I enjoy it, love hunting fishing, shooting, etc etc,
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