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Everything posted by Lenmcharristar

  1. Next time stick it in the stink
  2. If the black Americans call each other it then it' should be fine for everybody else to
  3. Perfect example of the we head ruling the big one, what do you call a ho with a runny nose? A. Full up
  4. thats because they were too busy humping young innocent kids FS
  5. you may be right but us burying our heads in the sand hoping it's going to go away are wrong, it needs defending and our case heard
  6. She most likely is, she's a sad slag that gets out of her bed in the mornings angry every day, goes on Facebook or hunting sites just to get offended. This has to be the height of sadness. Who in their right mind gets up under a dark cloud who thinks that the world owes her something. Judi get over yourself wing nut, Brian May is her hero, lolololol he is def the man for nursing disease spreaders. Oul Fred the beaver
  7. I'd expect it to be bagging bunnies easily, with good retrieve and working with ferret and steady with stock, however I wouldn't expect much else, teeth would be a no no at 14 months
  8. Why don't the famous field sports authors on here make a proper programme about field sports and get it aired for the public to see
  9. The makings of the British chupicabra fox lurches cross
  10. I'm all for getting rid of the terrorists and getting gb back to a decent place, but to trust the police to protect us? Look at Northern Ireland and the corruption by the police? Trust? I think not.
  11. They were all holding hands like school kids in a playground, what it showed to me was just how weak the western world has become. They should have got the Islamic terrorists and executed them all in the city centre. For the rest to see, we need powerful minded leaders with balls that big they need a wheel barrow to carry them about. Fcuk all this turn the other cheek crap it shows weakness. They need to start booting them from Europe full stop
  12. Pish said to sound like bish
  13. pop corn Sutton, boy don't you be coming round here gain boy
  14. Fe kin lots of experts on here, sure il stick his name up and also the lines it's from sure keep all the experts happy, FS
  15. Fight fire with fire, hit them on the streets too, the so called innocent ones for they have plenty to say when shit happens on their behalf
  16. like your some Rambo, your prob supporting the anti, anti Muslim protests,
  17. Nutting squads operating through out Europe, but no doubt money will buy informants
  18. I've a rat smoker for sale in Northern Ireland, 50 quid from a chainsaw, bout 10 hrs use from new.
  19. This place misses bolio1 and carlovian
  20. A mate of mine has a wheaten bitch which he digs too, and her temp is great with people and other dogs,
  21. and is offended that white Christians don't like them
  22. Very true mole trapper, my great granda always says Enoch Powell was spot on, and how true are his words these days,
  23. The frogs have a habit of bringing gb and America into help them is this the awakening ?.??
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