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Everything posted by Lenmcharristar

  1. db why is it ok for your mum to be from Christian background and not the son in law? Was your dad a full blown Muslim?
  2. We've lost a fair amount of ferrets to foxes too, working rabbit warrens
  3. he would shout, BURN THAT b*****d ALIVE IN A CAGE.
  4. Once again maxi boy you bring colour into the mix she would not marry him and I wouldnt accept it one because of the cultural differences and two ( he will convert to islam but wont be the most religious of Muslims) so it would be a convenience for him much like these sham marriages f**k off max you are one of the bigoted hypocrits I am talking about.ok then, he ment to say as black as Michael jackson
  5. that be called a bagger sett then!no mate just a homeless shelter in London, full of all types lol
  6. Rake, the 1980s will be knocking your door looking for that camper back lol, you have her well trained
  7. Lolololol, suppose ya would be, but after a while Id guess ya never suffer with constipation
  8. It's 'daunder' anyway......Dafty!!...lol over here it's dander, mo I know what you mean, good oul dander clears the mind
  9. Too many people nowadays have bakes on them like the cast of eastenders, they walk permanently under a black rain cloud, feck people like that, just grab life by the Betty's and go for it, never mind about all the depressing shiite
  10. Yes walshie I use my salmon rod with a 2 oz bomb at the end of a mackerel trace works fine as long as your not lifting a trace full of them up the rocks using only the rod as it will snap. But great sport
  11. I would say that's a wheaten x sausage dog. just out of interest would anyone have any idea what way the glen was bred? yes it's mother was a wheaten put on thalidomide whilst she was pregnant and that's how the pups were born, just like us humans lol
  12. The Muslims are a dog out of control that needs a good hiding and put back in its cage
  13. It's a bad state off affairs if the country cannot stand up for itself for fear of being called names. How petty are the leaders of gb today, as soft as baby shite
  14. Ahhhh db slips up, whys that? For her own free choice or your backward religion dictates that she is forbid to do so?
  15. Conservative/ukip could do ok better than labour, Green Party or were fooked
  16. No offence to the object of your loyalty and unbridled admiration. He may or may not be a 'col dude', but Jesus Christ, blowing public smoke up his arse makes me feel queazy mate. I bet you get on well with your boss. Im am the boss mate i was merely pointing out gnashes coolness stop spoofing gnash, couple a bandits lololol
  17. just like hard target, sure Eastern Europe is where they we're gona move too. Lol. Either that or it's the polish deliverance. Que the duelling banjos
  18. i blame Brian May and cwis packham, it's all their fault
  19. That oul doll realised enroute to the camp she had no chance and pulled a get me the DLA forms stunt.
  20. Matt that's a good tribute at the end
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