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Everything posted by Lenmcharristar

  1. He's a ballroot, who needs beaten to death with a junkies wooden leg. Must say though he's one lucky bastarrd getting to shag Katy perry.
  2. Human growth hormone, HGH, as lab can testify best fat burner and muscle builder there is. Lol
  3. That's would be an interesting but sad day as could you imagine the cock measuring comp it would cause. It's just wrong.
  4. your right. Instead of looking at fighters records, look at they're styles, it was never gona be a toe to toe, may weather is too smart for that, he's a boxer not a brawler. PAC man fought may weathers fight and lost, and as may weather proved his style works
  5. I agree there should be a Goliath weight division, just to let the bigger men get tested against each other, for its unfair to them for slating them because of their size, which they had no control over. Then they should have a competition every year like the k1 Grand Prix where all the champions in all the weight divisions enter into a champions only comp. best man wins
  6. It's all corrupt as feck, it should be up to the fighters who they wanna fight. Best vs best no excuses
  7. Ty is changing his name after this fight to canvas back fury
  8. If ty does beat vlad, then it's gona be said that he beat a fighter on his way down, there for it's up to him if he does to not duck anybody, and fight all comers. But I'd love to see him get ko,d
  9. I hope Tyson gets knocked da fcuk out. Full stop
  10. Ah yes unilad.com that well respected polling organisation.Its an online poll on a niche website ffs you really think they got a better cross section of the population than professional polling organisations with carefully managed criteria :laugh: You're living in a fantasy land pal. I think we're all living in a fantasy world, clever education and conditioning by the ones that run it, but the thing that makes it work better than anything is the general population not wanting any real responsibility? You and Rags are on the same side to me, people who believe politics is real, all work
  11. I've said before let the people do the talking not the media
  12. Food, Hugh fearnley whittling stall, , Elvis, the Beatles, buddy holly, rocky Marciano, col Blair Mayne, Jesus, and the prophet Mohammed, good food good music good war stories then at the end of a good night kick the Kunt outa a pedo, ( not elvis for the haters)
  13. I agree with hell of a lot of ukip stuff, il even be voting for them over here in ni. I hope they do well over there in England and start rescuing Britain from the slope it's sliding down.
  14. Ukip is the only way back to Great Britain again, any other is a route to englandistan, the treason law needs brought back into play again
  15. The big3 may, packham, oddie. 3 fcukin faggots, out crying about shooting birds for the pot. They should have never got off the island alive. 3 wankers who think they're gods. The internet is a stage where faggot wankers like these 3 get to look like big shots.
  16. I really hope ukip do well in the elections.
  17. All stinks of Shiite, don't ever give up on them, fcuk the march to Downing Street, do it to Buckingham palace gates and demand it loses it's status, the royals love they're dogs and hunting too.
  18. They're not old fashioned they're what we always have as jack Russell's, Feckin belting dogs, but cast like feck
  19. There should be a cull in the BBC and the Westminster mps, make Britain great again before Russia try the coup
  20. my type of dog here good coat too, even better if they make the grade. Good thread this
  21. Just get a different job
  22. Let the people do the talking not the biased media
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