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Everything posted by Lenmcharristar

  1. even Steve wonder would have seen merle was crap, I remember thinking as a 13 yr old kid reading about merle bowling the same fox 3 times and it got away. I thought that dog is a rubber gob, didn't stop me reading the book though, but didn't take much heed of what he said. It was diary of a hunter
  2. I've always said that the most pure bred breeds of dogs are the American Pit Bull, the Greyhound and the Foxhound and of the three of them I'd say the APBT is the most pure bred.Yes, he might have been called other names over the years but the truth is that he goes back to the dog that was the original Bulldog (the breed nowadays known as the bulldog is a modern reconstructed breed) and as he was the gamest of breeds there was not another breed that could be used as an outcross. His standard was not on the showbench and because he was bred for function, not form, is the reason he comes short,
  3. Bump, good reading, what ever happened to bolio and carlovian?
  4. Mix a tea spoon of mint sauce into the gravey and it's yum. It's just a hint of mint with the rich gravey taste
  5. Cracking post this, keep it up people
  6. He's a wankstain wing nut of the highest order, it shows with the cancer statement, he's a people hater not an animal lover
  7. The legend of jaws in the local lake, next week it will be on river monsters lololol
  8. Adams was bought yrs ago, that's why he's more slippery than an eelyea hes been administering british rule in ireland quite a while now,,Lolwho pays them?
  9. Adams was bought yrs ago, that's why he's more slippery than an eel
  10. Who let this moooooose , loose, abooot dis hooooose
  11. yes.basically, if you go into an area with its area marked and act a maggot then a big fish will come and eat ya, if your respectful of where you are there's a good chance you'll be fine, with exceptions to the rule of course
  12. Lol best place for it Danny, means we can go into each other's dodgy areas to buy new dogs Lolololol, ehhhh Danny??????
  13. This has got interesting, although there's cease fires doesn't mean it's all stopped it won't, too many left sore still alive, be around 100 yrs min, meaning everybody who lived through it will be pushing daisies. The future generations will be the permanent peace makers when it's all just a memory. All the cocks on the hill have done is quieten it down and gotten rich from it, the worst thing for me is te invasion of foreigners , I knew loyalists and republicans, who were sworn enemies having a laugh together talking abut hunting/fishing.
  14. 33000 yrs mans beet friend and a gang of unwashed hippy anti kunts want it all knocked on the head. Some chance
  15. Aye your right she did, old bat she was, yous lads say terrorists, i say an irish soldier, hey just cause your soldiers was from goverment, doesnt make ours any less soldiers, prince charles is the head of the paras, which slaughtered i.nocent irish men on six seperate ocasions, ( of we know of ) all in one year, bloody sunday, ballymurphy etc , yous lads havent a clue what happened over here, so get of your moral high seat, yous have the cheek.If we had been treated fairly, in our OWN COUNTRY, not yours, instead of being treated like rats, or vermin, by invaders, then maybe things would have
  16. Aye your right she did, old bat she was, yous lads say terrorists, i say an irish soldier, hey just cause your soldiers was from goverment, doesnt make ours any less soldiers, prince charles is the head of the paras, which slaughtered i.nocent irish men on six seperate ocasions, ( of we know of ) all in one year, bloody sunday, ballymurphy etc , yous lads havent a clue what happened over here, so get of your moral high seat, yous have the cheek. If we had been treated fairly, in our OWN COUNTRY, not yours, instead of being treated like rats, or vermin, by invaders, then maybe things would ha
  17. Kunts shouldn't have won the case, it should have been thrown out, how can a gay swear on the bible when they don't agree with what it says? Be a quare smell of shite in the gay bars in belfast the night. What a sad day.
  18. Lenmcharristar


    Mon the ukip. Nigel your party done well, 3rd largest soon to be closing in on top. Good luck going forward. Take gb back from the edge of implosion.
  19. spot on, common sense is never the strong point of the media. All fcukin rats the lot of them.
  20. How many actually believe it???? Fcuk them I certain ally dont.
  21. Fs England waken up and deal with the scum in your country
  22. to run a cycle of that Can be quite expensive. Although I suppose prices vary on different 'suppliers'too right it is, but def works
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