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Everything posted by Lenmcharristar

  1. The irish army have never fired a shot in anger, they are un peace keepers, assissting the take over of the western world, dont expect any help from them
  2. Yes its back to illegals, the country can only support a certain amount of people, there should be targets set which keeps everybody in good health not suffering, when a country gets over run and abused then the services dont work, it shows that by being designed for the nation of GB it worked well but since its been told to be international health service its gone tits up, you still need to see the connection between the 2, GB will coast along happily with a certain amount of people but when its over run and stuff is scarce then youll see people suffer and unrest begins,
  3. Because they work for far less and post it home, do bed share, 1 out 1 in, massive shifts and send the coin home, our ones should be paid well enough to stay, and the pay should be equal so the cheap foreign labour is done away with
  4. Stretched because it was never designed to be international health service, all the foreigners should be made to pay insurance like we do when going abroad
  5. You cant solve that problem by just chucking more and more money at it, it needs reshuffled from the top down, too many skimming the cream from the top, how can a doctor justify 2000 pounds a shift? Never mind the amount wasted on supplies never used. Its all managed badly as i have already agreed
  6. If all the gimmiegrants upped sticks and went back home we would be better off in the long term
  7. Im on about illegal gimmiegrants, the boat people, you know the best from the 3rd worlds got no talent, i also agree on the miss management too
  8. Pre or post flood civilisations that built it?ill go pre
  9. Exactly what ive been saying, both go hand in hand, the nhs needs to go back to national health service not international health service
  10. No your picking it up wrong, im saying this 3rd world invasion and the pressure its put on these services and the general drop in our quality of life go hand in hand
  11. Open your eyes and see its being abused, swamped because of how low life has gotten in GB over the last 20 years and swamped by 3rd world scum, the quality of life has suffered as a direct consequence of 3rd world invasion
  12. Mental health on the streets, the ones im on about are the 3rd worlders and lawlessness left wing britain, free run for drug dealers, gimmiegrants, bbc/paedophilia, sexualising children, constant threat of attacks, thats the real causes, our servicemen have been shit on by our governments for the past 20 years, theres no proper help for those lads and ladies, and now they are being prosecuted for taking part in wars abroad who the very governemnt sent them, funny how its liebour jailing everybout on thought or so called hate crimes when it was them who started the wars. The whole nation needs
  13. No the whole feckin lot are just 3rd world scum, they have the mark of cain on them hence why they live, behave and shag animals
  14. Could have been, or just went too slow then lost lift, he needed to accelerate out of the spin but, maybe an engine blew up and severed crucial hydraulic lines or aircraft fatigue, could have been 1 of many things to cause it
  15. That plane had stalled, hence no glide, could have been engine failure or broken flaps etc, hence why it was spinning
  16. Well are you saying those on the dinghys are here legally?
  17. The only deterrent is stopping all benefits for illegals, housing aswell
  18. Cantt wait until the trumpanator calls him out and takes the absolute piss out of him
  19. The country has been taken over by left wing extremists, all paid for by the consistent 2 faced tories lying through their teeth for the last 14 years about doing what the electorate voted for, remember this isnt labours fault but the fault of the self serving tories for doing eff all
  20. We are all family, well not you you came from monkeys, where us mere mortals came from adam n eve
  21. This was pewits DNA results, he comes from the land of ballbag.
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