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Everything posted by Lenmcharristar

  1. Its a skate rod the hardy cheapskate
  2. Its like something elton john would enjoy, not for me lol
  3. A wank on toast??? Nah not for me mate lol
  4. Feck me you cant keep away from here lol
  5. Driving whilst pished as a fart too.
  6. Offal meats, thats about it, but i do like haggis,
  7. Dont argue with him mate, for a non believer hes been throught the most reincarnations on this site
  8. The moment the soul is designated to the body, right at the start, sent by the good Lord himself. As they said all will be revealed
  9. Hes above as krishna, he loves this place so bad he cant keep away
  10. They can do what they like, isnt going to change the outcome, its on the cards, you cant push normal working class people too far before they put the political class back in their places
  11. Be careful youll offend PEewee hermWIT with that statement
  12. Their sharia courts operate alright and not british laws either, how many people and body parts have turned up in the thames lately?
  13. I get what you mean, and agree that theres a lot that dont partake in the terrorism, but these people are loyal to the terrorists where they have settled. Just look at iran, egypt, turkey, etc etc. islam is a problem to any host country that lets it take hold and does not stop until its taken control and starts wiping out the native populations, also the irish were workers and worked their asses off, these 3rd worlders are not and more dont work than do, unlike the hard working irish
  14. Deported me from northern ireland to where exactly? My family are all decorated veterans in all the wars GB has been involved in since ww1 and further back, my late grandmother and her brother where given honours from the queen, titles to their names, and relatives have been in charge of regiments of the british army. So what part of this are you not grasping, we are northern irish( british born) the ulster scots, today we have a common enemy as we have seen in shitslam, im glad theres peace between us and the irish nationalists, for it was the english kings which caused the shit here aswell,
  15. Poland and Hungary have the answer, dont take 1 and shoot any illegals trying to enter by the back door. How many attacks have they had?
  16. Beside me your still small. So little man syndrome
  17. You cant argue with stupid, he just comes on here trying to act hard and wind everybody up, as he suffers from little man syndrome,
  18. Call us what you want but i guarentee you wouldnt say it over here out loud, so am i lying about you lot being too soft for years? And ask yourself why are the english hated the world over? Come on use your buckfast superpowers you have since in your world you sit right at the top of the tree
  19. Paddys? The only true british left willing to fight for the union is the ulster men, remember that fact, go back as far as ww1 and check out the sacrifice that such a small province made for you english to bend over and take a left wing, faggot shitslamic supporting cock, maybe if you english had our attitude towards fighting for your country england wouldnt be seen as the soft place it is today, not go get your feckin shine box
  20. I dont sit on the net all day, i do work 6-7 days a week, i mean kick out all illegals, they shouldnt be here in the 1st place, or quite simply emigrate to a better country where out contribution is welcomes and rewarded, can you blame our peoples for going abroad? The way GB is headed there will soon be more taking from the pot than putting in and where do we go then?
  21. Simple, we kick them all out
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