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Everything posted by Lenmcharristar

  1. Yes on lake elbert or albert, we had a good day on it biggest was 8lb
  2. Nice place to visit, i always remember the big bridge to drive over getting to it
  3. Drung have been the ruination of western societies at street level, all started by the hippy movement in the 60s, but i guess whilst society degrades and want to kill eachother then the ruling elite have no worries about the public banding together and offing their heads
  4. Now thats a bit of me, reminds me of when we went a sea food shack in clearwater. My mouths watering lol
  5. How i feel about him hence the RIH, Rot In Hell
  6. As much as we are very english in our ways, streets, schools etc etc, it wont get as bad as england, i just dont know where its going to end with it all, i do sympathise with you all though in a respected way, now watch over hereget given away next by smarmer
  7. We already have for 40 years mate, ill ask of you as an english man, what have the english been doing for the last 40 years? Other than putting powder up their noses and worshipping the essex boys granted not all abuse drugs but its woeful through out GB
  8. Accck dont you spoof about not logging on lol
  9. They can stop it, you jist need the belief and organisational skills and yous are already halfway to stopping it
  10. Thats what needs done yes i agree, but the governments arent trying to stop it, so at what point do the english mes stop it themselves?
  11. Thats it man and dog working together and having fun passing time
  12. Thats what needs to happen and ban and mp from leaving who votes to bring them here
  13. Once the english stop the invasion in the channel then it stops for the rest
  14. Yes but i mean the english men, not stopping it themselves
  15. Thats the problem though, the strong men of the past no longer exist. Hence why you lot are letting the take over happen, by living in fear of the government. It should be the other way about
  16. He must have got banned again, this is the longest hes been quiet
  17. Yes 1 or 2 dozen could end up jailed but half a million cant and wont and the government will do as theyre told by the people and go back to working for the people, its high time they were made to see their mistake
  18. Why arent you english men not defending your shores? I mean.good jet ski batallion could nip that very quick by poping the boats soon as they leave france
  19. So is that an apology you owe me for thinking i squealed?
  20. That was a very nice offer, that place looks perfect
  21. Outstanding, keep up the fight for your traditions and cultures
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