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Everything posted by Lenmcharristar

  1. They should turn up enmasse and run over the mosques, you know that old proverb, do unto others
  2. Straight out the bible of the liberal karenocrats
  3. Never mind whats going on in ze father land, look at trump, how dare he think we are bad, look over there not here
  4. The same ones pushing this gender bender crap, the critical race theory, blm utter tripe, fact is the world they all put down and live in and protest in was built by the white man
  5. A bit like the liberals and crying karens with the rainbow uniform, blaming trump and russia on everything wrong in the world, how can you support the leftist cause when they are guilty of election interference and attempted murder on political rivals, the mutilation of Caucasian children, the pushing of demonic agendas (lgbtrsturbopadeoetc) in western schools never mind the hundreds of billions of laundrred money and the self serving elitest shite they spout
  6. Whats your take on this scotty? Was this part of trump exposing the deep state or letting them expose themselves?
  7. Outstanding, zelenski just exposed himself, and he was pulled on siding and voting for the demoprats too. Lol ive a feeling bidenski is on a 1 way ticket now
  8. Beezer mackem, other than the coleslaw a box of perfection
  9. Very nice mate, can feel the heart burn by just looking at the pictures
  10. Just the down side of owning dogs, they become part of the family (well to me anyway) fishing, hunting partner and they decide to pop off this mortal realm, leaving us with a knot in the stomach and a gap in your days out, until you find another side kick to bring along.
  11. Well what i was getting at was, it wasnt in white neighbourhoods haha
  12. Ok ok boss, theyre not white either, more like yellow brown
  13. Its got nothing to do with blacks, oh wait, ok it has everything to do with the blacks, true to type robbing and looting their areas, its about time it was called out in public
  14. So whats next for parker? Dubois or usyk? AJ shouldnt get a shot at him, dubois at least should be made to fight parker
  15. I rekon the usaid was the bank that was funding the anti west crusades, showed the money was all for corruption
  16. His fists do his talking for him, hes just not that comfortable on the mic, hes paid to punch people
  17. And yet the lefty media would make out like trump was going to nuke canada ffs, thats a lifeline
  18. Remember why God brought judgement on sodom and Gomorrah? They turned their back on the Lord and put the bumming to forefront of their nation, look at the west we live in today, and similarities with the rainbow brigade and the leaders of the left wing governments?
  19. We want the paedo protecting king and west minister tried for treason to Great Britain, and left wing loonies and theyre politics banned and on the extremist list
  20. Now this punching above your weight was only achieved with the backing of the irish men in your regiments, history has shown that, and the only british peoples who are not afraid to honour those very dead are from Northern Ireland, for at the going down of the sun we will remember them,
  21. That happened over here until the pissed off neighbour blasted through the door with a shotgun and near took the foot off the offender, music went off after that
  22. Ffs theyd vote joe biden into power over here
  23. Theres being hated but still respected.
  24. Yeah i know what you mean mate, but should still be a test for parker and a good watch for us to see
  25. Well he has a lot to gain, he has to box bakole not fight him, and if he beats him in a boxing match hes claimed a scalp that the top lads are dodging really
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