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About harrycatcat

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 11/06/1908

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    sunny Chesterfield

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  1. I have not been on here for a while and was wondering if anyone would be venturing out on Friday 1st? I don't think I will but never say never
  2. https://basc.org.uk/wildfowling/
  3. I know this a very old post but it came up on a google search as I am looking for the same info as the OP. Are there any up to date maps or data regarding signal crays? Thanks Hcc
  4. Ah I seem to remember him, did he come from the North West somewhere? Didnt suffer fools
  5. Well done very good shooting edited to say if my patterdale was left more than a minute with the geese she would have stripped them of feathers and they would be oven ready, edited yet again to say I have just watched the video and you have a rate good dog there I just wished that I had spent some time on mine training her but she is 11 now
  6. Mine loves it on the marsh but she is getting old now she was 11 in August. This might be her last season, I will see how she gets on. Only thing is if I leave her at home when I go shooting she squeals in the house whilst I am out. This her on Kirton, Lincs
  7. That dog is fantastic, mine will find them but then wants to rip em to bits.
  8. Well done Les that is a very good "bag" indeed
  9. Are you going to the South Lincolshire Wildfowling Club new members day? http://www.slwc.co.uk/ Every year the club holds a New Members Day where a BBQ and clayshoot is organised, usually during early August. It is an ideal opportunity to meet committee members, existing members and have fun at the clay shoot as well! The day is open to all, especially family members. Visits to SLWC Marsh Access Points can be pre-arranged for that day. If you want to join the club come along and ask questions. Despite what it says on the website I have it on good authority its on 13th August, it b
  10. OK thanks very much for trying anyway. Regards Hcc
  11. I hope this works http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/147097-incubating-eggs-photos-and-more-questions/ Thanks.
  12. I was looking back at an old post that I made on page 108 in "Fowl and feather talk about " *Incubating eggs photos and more questions*And it only shows one page and I think there was 12 pages. I was thinking of incubating some more eggs and was going to brush up and see what I did last time. Do old posts get deleted/trimmed? Regards Hcc
  13. I was just looking if it was on here, beat me to it Regards H
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