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About hunting-terrier2014

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  1. Hi I'm starting bushing like you and I thoroughly enjoy it, just one question though, how do they start their dogs training to scents and bush? What methods do they use to get them dogs in the bushes?
  2. Hi, where are you based and how old is the bitch? How much were you looking for?
  3. Hi everyone, I'm looking at learning about bushing, I have 1 terrier bitch who really isn't interested at all!! Earlier this year I had to have her sister (who was interested in bushing and I taught myself) put to sleep which was devastating. I am now looking to buy another bitch that will or does bush and I'm lookingbfor all!then helpful hints to help me teach her to bush
  4. Hi I'm looking for a bitch that will or does bush, preferably with some experience or 100% working. Please post any pictures with details and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
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