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Everything posted by RusstheDuck

  1. Depends what you want to spend! I have got a D Ward which is very simple to use ,plus they now have a longer range version. This I generally keep on my .22 and use Gen three stuff for foxing and a newly acquired and extremely addictive Pulsar thermal spotter. I did also have a look at the nightmaster Atom which they have had a few problems with but again very simple to use .
  2. Hi I did have two of these units as I wanted the Vortex unit which they sent out but it didn't work. So they sent me a upgraded standard version which is fine but clumsy ,plus on both units the on off switches are always falling of! for the money they are o.k but I wouldn't want any more dealings with Starlight. The one good thing they did provide is the Quantum firefly illuminator which is superb.
  3. Got some spare trampoline springs that must be about 7nchs if you want some more than happy to send some in the pursuit of Crow killing !!
  4. Hi a lot of it depends on what there feeding on . Winter rape I would normally leave them for first couple of hours then shoot for rest of day. stubble or laid crop during the summer I wouldn't normally set up till mid day .
  5. Barley is good but wheat linseed rape or grass seed all good . Never used spuds
  6. No 3s are good my syndicate have been using them for a while just don't use more than half choke!
  7. Hi just be aware that as cootes are wildfowl you should be using none toxic shot on them as well ! Plus they are ok to eat if you remove the skin as this is bitter.
  8. That's good money we are getting £3. per kilo from Ben Rigbys but they pay up on time !
  9. Just my own opinion but I don't like the use of call Ducks as they can sometimes be aggressive to wild Ducks . Sure they will start using it at some point . Are you sure no one has been using a rife near it at night! Also is there any Otters or Mink in the area.
  10. Have a look on guns on pegs website should be something on there for you!
  11. No it is not legal to shoot them you could be fined £2000 per offence ! although they are feral and plentiful in certain areas they are still endangered in there home range. I have also had people suggest they can keep other Duck of a pond .
  12. A good cartridge but I would always suggest to test the pattern as some guns the pattern is good others it can be bad,plus don't use to much choke! happy hunting.
  13. NOW if you said Pakistani this guy rowed the channel in a toy dinghy and was picked up near kent lol thats balls desprate or insane yes my friend Used to have a 18 raider and would go 15 miles out which I think is far enough! still used to catch more fish half that distance out.
  14. Hi I went fishing for Blue sharks a couple of years ago out of Newlyn Cornwal, was lots of fun with fantastic scenery and not to expensive.
  15. Hi I am a Gamekeeper / sporting tenant in the West Kent area. I run a driven Pheasant /Duck syndicate and also organise walked up days and Duck /Goose flighting. My main interest is to create and maintain wildfowl habitat.
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