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Everything posted by horsedrawn

  1. Now that the hot weather is here and I have the most fussy saluki type going concerning food,she won't eat any kibble just started giving her dried meat ,handful at a time on van seat (she's with me 24 hours a day)and soaked in hot water with pasta and sardines. When she emptied out fairly dark in colour so anybody else feeding it and what price. I paid £1.50 a kilo
  2. Maybe look for resting greyhound kennels. The fantastic woman who runs a rearing and resting kennels has my 2 saluki types for £3 each per day and they live in farm house kitchen,sleeping on the sofa. Always have to argue with her to take more money.
  3. Matt 1979 I'm in Nantwich who's the vet?. Would it be Mike G he looks after the greyhounds for the woman who had the pub in Nantwich. Just started using Tom from LB vets wells green,decent man listens to you and understands working dogs
  4. Why is it that all black African leaders wearing a suit look like corrupt racist bigots or is it just me and I need to go on a diversification course
  5. Fuji/andy you are wrong the only good dog you own is the POM. Wake up feck lurchers 10 years old and still holding her his own you know POM is the way forward remember the future is bright and it's ORANGE
  6. Scotland would be a basket case within 12 months with the snp in charge and without English money. Obviously England would be forced to pay back all the oil money that we've stolen from the poor Scottish as England is seen by the world particularly USA as evilness personified.
  7. Solar farms should not be allowed to happen,we only have so much land on this very small island of ours.imho all new buildings -houses or factories should be compulsory to have panels also embankments on motorways and railway therefore not using valuable farm land. Just my opinion but I think Hollywood would be better of giving me an fat bald ginger beard 49 year old a couple of million instead of Brad pitt 30 million
  8. Picture of dog back of EDRD magazine looks decent collie cur type. As for dave sleight doing any dog work Phil Lloyd would be the man to ask as I think his moon dog came from DS. Obviously if wrong many apologies in advance but so long as whoever is paying for stud fee is happy wtf does it matter.
  9. BUT would you vote for a man who wants to put his willy up a 16 year old bottom. He finds that normal but complains about a tom Jones song????!!!!
  10. FAO tillylamp fantastic idea no payee no boaty. If we the plebs can see the trees why can't our leaders. Friend runs artics into Italy and the fines he gets hit with is unreal (and he runs straight) no pay the truck don't move. But obviously making foreign drivers pay before leaving Dover will be against their human rights. Why are we govern by spineless twats
  11. Cameron to be offered deal banning NEW eu migrants from claiming benefits for 4 years only if GB con prove benefits system "under excessive strain ". Obviously it will take 4 years to prove this and GB taxpayers will have to pay for a study group to be set up with 20 people from each EU states coming to GB to study the excessive strain whilst staying at the Dorchester hotel. What about the millions sent back to eastern countries in child benefit to kids living in Poland etc. "of course I've got 10 kids back home ". I'm thinking of taking legal action cos obviously all this plain as a tit on a
  12. Fantastic example of why not to drink special brew. Should have posted in general talk
  13. I'm 50 this year,I try to get back home Friday or Saturday night to see a lady friend but Sundays stay at friends house watching DVDs. Just watched life of Brian,got to be 40years old could any of you imagine it being made now. No black actors and taking the mock out of so many religions. Compare life of Brian with Donald trump. 35 years ago we took pi££ out of everyone now anything racist homophobic or transgender we're given a hard time
  14. I'm 50this year so started doing shrooms and acid with older heads it should be very spiritual experience and life enhancing. If you're strong enough to survive all is good. Always went for stronger/higher does always big fan of Jim Morrison. Still alive and fairly normal
  15. The Saturday essay in the daily mail yesterday. This is London:life and death in the world city by Ben judah. Can anyone put up a link to this article if not no bother cos all it will do is upset your day. Seriously well worth a read book out on Thursday
  16. Philip moss Google mossleather he's down Monmouth way
  17. Freedom of speech only applies if those in power agree. Always wanted to have the balls to say to the next copper that pulls me over "officer it's MY PERSONAL OPINION your behaving like a twat" think I'll still get fcuked
  18. Orwell real name was Eric Blair in my head sometimes think this was why new labour wanted to dumb down education system with degrees in coronation St. Think everyone should read Animal Farm and 1984. All animals are equal but some are more equal than others. 2+2 is whatever big brother wants it to be. I've got a fare chunk of cash in a pension but can't have it till 55 and then only half plus I'll get taxed and now conservatives thinking about doing away with tax relief on pension. Buy to let put your money in bricks and mortar but we will change the rules and tax you at 40%. Is this fergie ti
  19. Fao shepp Totally agree with you regarding house prices/rent 23 year old couple with 2 kids who rented house of the ex. Both on benefits him suffering from attention deficit disorder but managed to pass his driving test!!!!!! Told me if he was to get a job he would need £500 take home per week. Not blaming them the systems fault,but we need affordable housing be it rental or to buy, as it stands that couple will possibly be on benefits for a long time cos there's no incentive to get jobs what is their quality of life their future.but we are governed my idiots both left and right who have nev
  20. time/quality of life 25-40 years old,best friends dad tried to get early retirement so he could go travelling aged 60 ,company fecked him around and when he finally left had a heart attack and died..handed my notice the next week and bought canal boat lived on it for 5 winters moored up fantastic countryside middle of nowhere the fields were mine No van parked in gateways great days.then went to Ireland living in bow top wagons on the peat bogs nature at her best .Winter solstice for me was always special another 8 weeks and the grass starts having some goodness and you've done another
  21. h %who has his passion not only for the dogs but also his commitment to being a voice for Britain. Love his comments about the invaders taking the food (tripes)from his dogs mouths. Also trapping grey squirrels to protect the native indigenous red ,but when are we going to be allowed to protect the indigenous people of this once great country. His hatred of corrupt MPs of all parties and his sense of what is right and just. Who will come forward and take over? Any suggestions? Me I've always liked Phil Lloyds passion but time marches on (sorry Phil I'm 50 this year myself)
  22. It doesn't matter if we're in Europe or not all Eastern European countries said that they would not take any refugees because their countries didn't have a Muslim background and any Muslims would change the country and they would not integrate. All Eastern Europe more than happy to accept eu money so why didn't the original members say our ball you play by our rules. Also if we got out I think those cheese eating surrender monkeys would build a bigger camp for the economic migrants and even help them onto the trucks. Plus do we send 5million poles back if so there might be a lot of English bei
  23. If they are nothing special nans pat then all I can say is that I would be happy owning a not special dog
  24. Got to be a wind up from redquil. Do much fishing?
  25. Just discussed the impact Lemmy had on the music world on radio 4. Lead article on radio 2 news. Total icon the one and only will be cracking a can of brew or 2 later. Glad I managed to meet friends under the oak tree at the pyramid this summer. First saw Motörhead at vicky hall when 13 years old 49 now. God I'm getting old. RIP Lemmy
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