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About grittyfeist

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  • Location
    usa, ky
  1. Iv got two 3/4 feist 1/4 decker rat terrier femails and use to have a couple more breed that way but there dead now I also use to have a 1/2 feist 1/2 rat terrier. The ones iv hade have all made good tree dogs. The red and white one and the one on the back side of the tree are the two females that I still have.
  2. I got no particular reason for not wanting a pit, its just not what I'm looking for right now. I plan on getting a jagdterrier in March but id still like to have an EBT some time in the near future. I really appreciate everyone's advice and ill take everything into consideration before I get anything.
  3. Thanks for the links iv Sean the californiacatchers site before the funny thing is that site and some older threds on this forum are what originally got me wanting a working bull terrier. Iv just sent emails to both now I just got to wait to hear back from them, I'm interested in your other contact too but I don't think im a full member on here yet so I don't think I can send a pm yet, but as soon as I can I will.
  4. I will take your all's advice and continue looking for just the right dog, I'll post picks if or when I happen to get any thing.
  5. they have bull terrier that will hunt http://www.colbypitbull.com/ http://www.ampitbull.com/pups.htm http://ironlinekennels.com/NorrodBillboard/viewtopic.php?t= Thanks for the links, ill try to contact them to see if they have any English bull terriers. I'd love to do this but everything iv seen that is breed for hunting is ether out of my price range or is to far away to travel and get. I was willing to go on a 5 hour car ride to get this particular dog but I consider this is as far as I'm willing to travel in order to get a dog. Is that a round trip or 1 way.as i wou
  6. I'd love to do this but everything iv seen that is breed for hunting is ether out of my price range or is to far away to travel and get. I was willing to go on a 5 hour car ride to get this particular dog but I consider this is as far as I'm willing to travel in order to get a dog.
  7. It did kind of seam like she was kind of offended right after I mentioned hunting, not right out in words but in town of voice. I think your both right, if I find what I'm looking for again I'm just going to half to keep my mouth closed about my intentions to hunt with the dog.
  8. Hello hope the tittle doesn't sound strange, iv recently decided to get a new dog after my male (feast x dicker terrier) got killed by a coyote and iv set my sights on a bull terrier. For the last month and half I've been searching ever website that Google will bring me for bull terrier for sale ads and have come up with very few results, every thing iv seen is either out of my price range or is to far to travel and get, until last week. While searching Craigslist of surrounding states I finally found what id been searching for, a one and a half year old ebt with the the old style head leaner
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