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Everything posted by Spewy

  1. Find that very interesting I went ,22 to .20 to .177 I have a hw100 in .177 and have ordered a .20 tm1000 hope it's trajectory is in between
  2. Looking at r10 but there r/h I'm a lefty so gave up even though they look perfect.would like to feel some guns so nearest is probably 2 1/2hrs away:( I'm fishing out of shoreham for a month so suppose I'll call in somewhere on the long journey home Thanks
  3. Thanks ultra looks good for him After watching it on video think I'll go for a side lever option looks a lot easier
  4. Sons 14 so bsa ultra Se or AA410 superlite? For myself AA510 or HW100 but I do like a light gun for hunting so woul like people's thoughts please Have been out of hunting for a long time so it's changed quite a bit since my meteor days Thanks
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