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Everything posted by dave88

  1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-46682660
  2. Fair play to you mate, if you can afford it then why the hell not
  3. ....and here's me sitting here chuffed with my rick and morty socks...all the while macks dishing out holidays like my old nan use to dish out fruit pastilles ?
  4. Got the usual bollocks myself, any lads getting anything they were chuffed with?...other than Rusty and his weird neon slippers
  5. True, didn't think about it like that
  6. Who gives a f**k what happens to them back in whatever shit hole they're from, at least they won't be a British problem anymore and with any luck may even be beaten to death in the street back in there homeland
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/dec/26/sajid-javid-defends-deportation-of-grooming-gang-members Can't believe there's people fighting and arguing to keep these scumbags here
  8. Lucky fella, all my missus gives me when she offers me dessert is actual f***ing dessert!
  9. dave88


    What the feck does that have to do with moochers?
  10. Bah humbug! Merry Christmas fellas ?
  11. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1063545/trophy-hunter-game-hunter-usa-Larysa-Switlyk-scotland-Larysa-Unleashed/amp
  12. Trump's a narcisistic cock jockey, wouldn't leave him in charge of a goldfish....not fit for office in any form
  13. Apparently jesus wasn't even born on Xmas day, makes the whole thing even more redundant imo lol
  14. Best of luck to you mate and have a good Christmas ?
  15. A boy mate, got 2 of each already
  16. 5th one due myself in 3 weeks, off to get the snip in the new year!
  17. https://www.itv.com/news/2018-12-18/deer-poacher-jailed-and-ordered-to-watch-disney-classic-bambi-for-a-year/
  18. dave88


    I think lads on here have known mickys an old drunk for quite some time lol
  19. dave88


    A mentally retarded alcoholic ?
  20. dave88


    Done my 2 tins already mate...and the celebrations....just started on the Ferrari Rocher.... munchies are a killer ?
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