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Everything posted by dave88

  1. dave88


    Would you call yourself a conspiracy theorist? Genuine question
  2. dave88


    Haha cheers lads....this ones baby number 4 (and the last)...already got a 6,5 and 3 year old. I love my missus but f**k me women in labour make noises i didnt think humanly possible.
  3. My daughter born 11:36pm last night
  4. Foxdropper springs to mind...he's said multiple times he'll do whats necessary to get what he wants
  5. Come in France that's daft how many crisis actors you think involved with all these different attacks why has no one ever came out and said I was a crisis actor etc you think they have a network of shush shush people ready to use for an attack lol Francie makes tin foil hats for a living...he loves a good conspiracy haha...nothings ever as it seems
  6. They let you out on day release?
  7. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/las-vegas-shooting-service-members-teachers-nurse-shielded/story%3Fid=50229707 A list of the victims...it actually choked me up a little bit...reading that some of them have little kids, what they did for a living, some were there on holiday...RIP
  8. If i got on a bike i'd need to be tailed by a bloody ambulance...bollocks to that
  9. Thought you be use to people sticking things in you anyway
  10. Is it a blood test leading up to an operation or just the blood test?
  11. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/oct/05/entombed-man-noel-conway-loses-high-court-fight-end-life
  12. dave88


    A nation stays stable when all the constituents feel that the security provided through union outweighs the loss of sovereignty. Security isn't just protection from invasion or attack, it's protection from natural disaster, protection from the collapse of the Rule of Law, protection from economic collapse, protection from falling behind in a technologically progressing world. Pooling resources for prosperity and security is the foundation of community. It's the government's job to maintain a fair and therefore mutually beneficial Union to avoid collapse. Discontent comes when a constituent
  13. Worth 2 million give or take
  14. That number 13 looks to crude and shit to have been done professionally and its the only photo of him that it appears in...maybe it was drawn on for a laugh...something to do with the fact hes a gambler, his fav number perhaps? Possibly even photoshopped?
  15. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/heavy.com/news/2017/10/stephen-paddock-death-photo-blood-dead-picture-real-fake-hoax-graphic/amp/According the the police department it is
  16. Exactly mate, same as kids do with alcohol and cigs
  17. Take care bud, moving house is a bitch haha
  18. Didnt know they did a 62...mines a 55
  19. I bought a Ps4 and dont use the f***ing thing lol...just cant find the time....just an expensive dust collector
  20. Aint gonna be worth being a member on here anymore for this bloke if his name does come out lol
  21. dave88


    There's a few lads on here with autistic kids...myself included. Its a proper cuntish move when some knob sock keeps spewing the same shit and mocking the whole thing...its f***ing tiring looking after 2 autistic boys as im sure some of the lads on here will understand. Ginger beard...get a life and stop being a c**t!
  22. dave88


    Autism is one of the things where people used to be labelled backwards or retarded etc. It's a very real thing and, because of it's varying degrees, It can be very complicated to diagnose and understand. So far as autistics go, I think my cousin is one of the lucky ones - he's a high functioning autistic with asbergers. He's very intelligent but, he's absolutely shit at building any social relationships. Some have it a lot more severe. It's no one's fault - shit just sometimes happens. finally an educated answerFinally a man who knows his stuff...ive no problem with gb...he just
  23. dave88


    don't give a f**k about social media ANXIETY...its your persistant talking shit about a subject you know nothing of yet keep pretending you do...like i said you did this a while back and made yourself look a twat
  24. dave88


    it's new.there's probably a handful of people with REAL autism,the rest is just an excuse for bad parenting/discipline and to claim benifits.now there's a new thing called ''social media *an zi a te'' recognised by health professionals.for fucks sake. *spelling. You are a proper prick.A mouthy c**t King he aint got a f***ing clue...complete muppet...he did this a couple months ago and tried to say autism wasnt a real thing
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