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Everything posted by dave88

  1. Jesus f***ing christ! Repeat abortions Thirty-eight per cent of abortions in 2016 were to women who had had one or more previous abortions, the same proportion as in 2015. So that's 70'000 of 185'000 that are not their first time....... thats exactly what i was getting at when starting this thread.a lot of women use it as contraception. some woman has had as many as 13. I think we've established that the wording is where you f****d up...not the point you were trying to make i still stand by it but never knew it was as high as 37% though.murdering whore slags.it was the likes o
  2. Jesus f***ing christ! Repeat abortions Thirty-eight per cent of abortions in 2016 were to women who had had one or more previous abortions, the same proportion as in 2015. So that's 70'000 of 185'000 that are not their first time....... thats exactly what i was getting at when starting this thread.a lot of women use it as contraception. some woman has had as many as 13. I think we've established that the wording is where you f****d up...not the point you were trying to make i still stand by it but never knew it was as high as 37% though.murdering whore slags.it was the likes o
  3. dave88


    I was also genuinely amazed that Obama made it too...wasn't there a couple of foiled attempts against him though?
  4. Jesus f***ing christ! Repeat abortions Thirty-eight per cent of abortions in 2016 were to women who had had one or more previous abortions, the same proportion as in 2015. So that's 70'000 of 185'000 that are not their first time....... thats exactly what i was getting at when starting this thread.a lot of women use it as contraception. some woman has had as many as 13. I think we've established that the wording is where you f****d up...not the point you were trying to make i still stand by it but never knew it was as high as 37% though.murdering whore slags.it was the likes o
  5. Attack helicopter firing into the crowd?! Lol.. you are a fooking clown son.. im not saying there was an attack helicopter used but do you really think he done it on his own?? Ive been in vegas multiple times stayed in most of the hotels there..you cant have the music up loud in hotel room without security looking to kick your door in but you can smash hurricane proof windows without the alarms going off..also i lived in NY as the towers came down..i was downtown manhattan working 15 blocks away that very morning..ive grown up in NI during the troubles and i know the sound of a bomb..and the
  6. George peppard the pedophile and child rapist..hmmm.Who? This guy? https://theukdatabase.com/2012/09/19/john-peppard-co-waterford/ Hahaha i hope thats who he was on about...just so he can earn his nickname 'bell end'
  7. Jesus f***ing christ! Repeat abortions Thirty-eight per cent of abortions in 2016 were to women who had had one or more previous abortions, the same proportion as in 2015. So that's 70'000 of 185'000 that are not their first time....... thats exactly what i was getting at when starting this thread.a lot of women use it as contraception. some woman has had as many as 13. I think we've established that the wording is where you f****d up...not the point you were trying to make
  8. It must be his land...he clearly said 'get orf moi land'...makes it his in my book
  9. George peppard the pedophile and child rapist..hmmm.Where exactly are those type of accusations mentioned ?.........it's the first I have ever heard of them.Was he convicted or is that just an ugly unsubstantiated slur ? Check it out for yourself wilf...you know how to use a computer...I had a look on the first 3 pages of google results and couldnt see a thing about it
  10. Yes he has, and so has Wilf. Both are decent men with morals and their own opinions away from their religions. Religion should have no bearing on an opinion over terminations, there are to many reasons for terminations for any individual to say what is right or wrong for another person. As i say apologies to him if he has...i totally agree with you but according to Francie only 2% of abortions are justifiable and thats just a load of bollocks
  11. Honest question Francie and apologies if you've answered it before but have you ever come on here and admitted that shit does go on behind church doors and that your religion isn't infallible?
  12. Do you know your fundemental atheistic ramblings about catholics are getting tedious now. Get over it scot. Have you any facts to back up your ramblings about catholics. http://www.beliefnet.com/faiths/catholic/2001/01/the-catholic-abortion-paradox.aspx Have you read that link, over half of the pregnancys the women used contraception, so that figure is halfed, this no way proves scots ridiclous claim that the girls in england an wales were catholics that had two abortions ffsI just liked the line 'catholic women of childbearing age are 29% more likely to have an abortion than their pro
  13. Do you know your fundemental atheistic ramblings about catholics are getting tedious now. Get over it scot. Have you any facts to back up your ramblings about catholics. Bit of an old article but interesting none the lesshttps://www.google.co.uk/amp/www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/most-uk-catholics-support-abortion-and-use-of-contraception-2083291.html%3famp
  14. Do you know your fundemental atheistic ramblings about catholics are getting tedious now. Get over it scot. Have you any facts to back up your ramblings about catholics. http://www.beliefnet.com/faiths/catholic/2001/01/the-catholic-abortion-paradox.aspx
  15. Ifs shes well enough upstairs to have sex then she should be able to take care of a child, simple really. My mother was very bad with depression, il not go deeper, but she managed to raise us. I just think 99% of reasons for abortion, are selfish an irresponsible, when is people gona stop making excuses when times get hard. I disagree mate but lets leave it there...no ones gonna budge on their opinion so its a waste of time. People are just repeating themselves now
  16. So a woman with an illness like schizophrenia or severe depression or even a woman who suffers from psychosis fall pregnant by accident...what should they do Francie? As you say this is a very hard topic discuss...even amongst men apparently
  17. The statistics for fetal abnormalitys do yes but you're ignoring the many other reasons why an abortion may be neccessary...i've already said i dont agree with abortion personally and me and my wife would never consider it but you cant be the judge of everyone elses personal circumstancesIm giving my opinion like the next man dave, its upto people to make there own choices, i just dont agree with it, but hey ho my opinion means nothing. Could you give me the reasons that i missed dave? Mental health of the mother, physical health of the mother (its not just fetal abnormalities that can caus
  18. The statistics for fetal abnormalitys do yes but you're ignoring the many other reasons why an abortion may be neccessary...i've already said i dont agree with abortion personally and me and my wife would never consider it but you cant be the judge of everyone elses personal circumstances
  19. A fetal abnormality isn't going to be the only thing that may endanger the mother...i do agree that the stats are pretty shocking but i very much doubt that the other 98% are just having an abortion cos 'they feel like it'. Pregnancy due to rape is another reason...the mental health of the mother should play a part in decisions as well imo
  20. You're just spouting nonsense to try and fit your own argument...the moral side of this argument could go on forever but the legal side of it is very clear, you're saying it's murder but the law says it isn't, if you look up the definition of murder then you'll see that yourself, whether you agree with that or not is up to you ...you do seem to have a problem with people not agreeing with your views
  21. 23 weeks is the legal limit to be increased to 27 weeks.women have had babies before 27 weeks and have grown up to be normal. very,very early stages it's debateable after about 8/10 weeks you'll be killing a baby legally. Myself and my wife would never consider abortion but like religion my beliefs shouldn't be forced on someone else...all i was saying is that i also don't believe abortion is murder and by definition can't be anyway
  22. This is a debate that is only ever gonna end in insults...especially on here lol
  23. Murder is described as the unlawful premeditated killing of one human by another....abortion is legal so by definition can't be considered murder
  24. Changed your tune from saying it's used as a form of contraception Regardless , the original post wasn't to provoke discussion , it was to instigate agitation in people and gets their backs up. It was obvious In the flippant way you posted . Im also sure their has been this exact thread recently which ended in Francie going off on one . In sure when he joins you'll latch on to his point of view to try back up your points. Only difference is he has religeon as his reason for thinking. You just wanted to piss people off for fun oh no lots of women use it as contraception.i imagine m
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