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Everything posted by dave88

  1. Congratulations mate...i was wondering when we were gonna get to see her
  2. #imwithfrancie Get it right
  3. The only agenda here is the length this thread is going to get from The 1st Bacofoil Battalion. If you're that shit scared of liberalism stop reading these stupid articles! Do you see the irony in the level of offense taken on this thread from an article that specifically tells you how not to offend people? Flogging a dead horse Chris...Francie is the Lieutenant Colonel of said Bacofoil Battalion
  4. i disagree...he gives disabled kids a voice and a platform...my boys love it. Can i ask what in partucular you find patronising?
  5. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-england-coventry-warwickshire-41714114
  6. Anyone ever spend any money on a higher end grinder?...im back to having a joint every now and then and my mate bought me a space case for my bday back in july...45 quid for a grinder and this is the small one!! Is the dogs danglies though
  7. Only 4 comments but 13 likes...you're harder to please than my missis haha
  8. There's still no definitive answer as to what causes it...lots of theories and suspicions and even some old wives tales floating about but nothing definitive...this little paragraph sums it up "Experts are still uncertain about all the causes of autism. In all likelihood, there are multiple causes rather than just one. It appears to be that a number of different circumstances including environmental, biological, and genetic factors set the stage for autism and make a child more likely to have the disorder" https://www.google.co.uk/amp/www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4534
  9. I'm a thick c**t really haha...when i found out about my oldest lad being autistic back in 2015 i went to all the groups and read shit loads of info about autism...anything i could find i read, just so i could help understand what my lad was going through. Then earlier this year my youngest lad was diagnosed as well...i was a bit more prepared for it all. A lot of what i post on here is just stuff i've read or my own opinion on a subject...same as everyone else really
  10. I use their gloves, always kept my hands dry
  11. Understanding how to behave in social situations is an issue across the whole autistic spectrum and obviously aspergers falls into that so yeah i'd say it's probably one of the most common tbh. He's the kind of bloke that would see you rolling around on the floor in pain and ask you if he can borrow 20 quid lol...not because he's a sadistic c**t but because he struggles to read emotions and social cues so comes across as arrogant, uncaring and a twat. He keeps himself to himself if he can
  12. Plans from 16 quid a month mate lol https://www.weightwatchers.com/uk/
  13. My brother in law has aspergers...he's 24 and is as arrogant as they come...having autistic boys myself I've come to learn and accept that he's a twat mostly because he is on the spectrum but as beast says not all people with it are like that
  14. I bloody knew it
  15. Not these days - you can't sell miles of shoddy plastic tat in August for that ! Much better to import yet another poxy Americanism, merchandise the f*** out of it, and encourage your kids to scrounge sweets from total strangers........ Bah humbug haha
  16. Sexting and sending pics to quite a few women but none of them underage...youngest was 22 i just read. He is a bit of a sleaze though
  17. Well thought out response...you'd give ginger beard a run for his money dave88 your such a paragon of virtue.i knew it,you knew it.nobody can be shocked that you get the parts in films by spreading your legs. how else can you explain crap actress's getting big parts in films it's the same in lots of trades.music,promotions in the business world,banking.there all happy to shag there way to the top. it's not a lot more than a transaction.you give me what i want and i'll give you want you want. why talk about it now 10/15 years later.? half of these ''sexual assults'' are just placing ther
  18. You could argue that's the attitude that stops women from reporting rape.............most rapes are not reported.you could also argue it the other way too palOf course it can go either way. I'm not saying anyone is guilty until proven otherwise, but the facts are most women don't report rape & if they do, most don't make it to trial.........that's a fact! Which obviously makes it harder for other women to report & so on................................ These woman claiming they were raped in the film industry how many of them were happy to lie on their backs to get the part? Just p
  19. Well thought out response...you'd give ginger beard a run for his money shut up dickheadAnd another...keep em coming
  20. Well thought out response...you'd give ginger beard a run for his money
  21. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-41678797 Opinions?
  22. I thought that...he'd not even been a member for 10 mins when he posted this
  23. dave88


    I was also genuinely amazed that Obama made it too...wasn't there a couple of foiled attempts against him though?Obviously you would never be told really but it has to be a testament to the secret service that he made it.I think them lads in things like the secret service really are blokes at the top of their game. olympus is down wasnt real wilfI have no idea what that means.........but I'm sure it means something ?I think larry means olympus has fallen.. a film where the whitehouse is taken over by korean terrorists
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