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Everything posted by dave88

  1. dave88

    Our Jamie

    Just shows ya what a moment of stupidity can do to your life and career
  2. dave88

    Our Jamie

    Calm down kev, bit touchy lately mate
  3. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5486135/amp/James-Bulger-killer-Venables-threatened-prison-staffs-children.html Now he wants a new face...really wouldn't f***ing surprise me if he gets it as well
  4. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/james-bulger-jon-venables-prison-12166575 Already cost the taxpayer £260,000 and any attempt at exposing him could land you in the nick for 2 years...bloody joke. And he has an entourage of guards in case someone does try to get hold of him. This country protects nonces now as well as terrorists
  5. 7, 5, 3, 5 months 2 girls are the oldest and youngest with the two boys in between
  6. Cheers lads...just venting to be honest, been together since we were 16 and 18 and I love her too bits but she pushes my buttons...appreciate the suggestions, I'll sit her down once mothers days been and gone, don't wanna ruin it for her. And surely this is a thl first? I came on here asking for advice like a woman at a coffee morning and I've had 6 serious, well thought out resonses...Not one of ya has ripped me to shreds haha
  7. Can't believe I'm gonna ask this on here but here goes haha...I know there's some lads on here that have been through divorces/break ups etc. At what point did you get too when you thought 'f**k this, I've had enough'? I keep saying I'll stick it out for the kids but f**k me it' hard work. Is it possible to come back from the brink of divorce? Should've started that paragraph with 'Dear Deirdre....' haha
  8. I'm interested to know what it does too
  9. dave88


    https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/03/07/tesco-pull-fox-hunting-costume-sale-hunt-saboteurs-complain/ Bowing to intimidation....my daughter is dressing up as Harry potter tomorrow...doesn't mean she's a f***ing wizard
  10. You're not one of these 'end of the world' preppers are ya mate?
  11. Wouldn't know if it was abuse or not...only bloody word I could understand was Eddie
  12. It's been a pain in the arse lately trying to make ammo...I don' have a shed or man cave and was having to sit in the garden using a little camping cooker and pan like most...as soon as the wind picked up it became a right ball ache, blowing the flame out or blowing it about so the heat under the lead wasnt consistent...so treated myself to one of these. I looked into melting Ali with and it doesn' quite get hot enough apparently
  13. There's a few lads on here that do it. I mentioned it before but I dunno why their isn't a metal detecting sub section on here...seems to be enough interest in it
  14. Enjoyed reading that, cheers
  15. I get paid weekly so the missus shops weekly...got 4 eating machines in the house so need to shop like that really
  16. Like i said pretending it doesn't happen is better than advertising that it does...surely that's asking for trouble?
  17. But surely there's a difference between knowing it happens and advertising on here and telling all the misinformed morons it happens? As Ptd87 said, an anti gun/hunting pleb would love to see comments like that, or is he wrong?
  18. Fair f***ing play haha...act a little pleb and get punished for it...too easy to give a kid a slap and call that the end of it but this is much more pro active
  19. So it must have been the aliens then...you don't really come across as someone who believes all this conspiracy bollocks cushty Edit: are you also saying that none of those terror organisations you listed ever existed?
  20. Yes he is https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.vice.com/amp/en_nz/article/bmpjvv/the-sad-truth-about-milo-yiannopoulos
  21. dave88

    Free tidy up

    Risk assessents are only needed for twats with no common sense
  22. f**k me mate, do you chop down trees for a living?
  23. Spinach from a tin? Tin opener or did you squeeze it out with your bare hands...the proper manly way?
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