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Chuck Rock

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About Chuck Rock

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Did you get sorted in the end? I have plenty of thera here. If I can find some spare pouches I will be able to sort you out. I'll check when I get home from work if I have some pouches spare
  2. I have a bloodshot which I've cut quick change slots in. Works well.
  3. Learning to make your own will always better but if not I might be able to help? What's your ammo? Double gold bands will throw some big stuff. I shoot 9.5 steel with double silvers or 30-25 single gold. Top stuff.
  4. Anyone need any??I've been trying lots of different handsets and have some spares. Happy to trade or sell what I have that I'm not using. I could make a couple of bandsets if needed (not got too many pouches spare but a few). I have 3.5m of orange dub dub and 1.5m or theraband silver. Also a bit under a metre of Dankung blue flats. I will measure it in a mo.
  5. Flats matey. Shoots real well I think but not if you want tubes ☺
  6. Never mind I will use it... Eventually!
  7. I've got too much Silver Theraband here - does anyone want to buy or trade for any? Got 4 meters stored in the fridge - only a few weeks old - I've got plenty of different bands for what I need so this is going spare. £12 posted first class for all 4m, or I can divide up. Doubled up it shoots leads really nicely. Nice light draw. Wide singles are good with lighter ammo too (M 8 hex nuts and 9.5 steel)
  8. I buy them off ebay at the moment but any standard rubber bands will work. My favourite brand is "5 star office". £5 gets you a bag of over 300. I use 16 in each bandset so plenty for that price. The band size is #64. % natural rubber so nice and snappy. They are surprisingly good shooters and cost pennies to make a bandset. You have to shoot them "active" (release the ammo on the pull back rather than holding an anchor point). No rotary cutters, no mats and rulers. Just chain them up and fix them to your catty. They really throw heavier ammo well. Lead, pebbles, big hex nuts are g
  9. Here's my current shooter with it's bark still on.
  10. Very nice. I love bark on catapults. Loads of character in them.
  11. I think with flats it's divide your draw by 5.5, with tubes by 6. So a 40" draw with flats is just under a 7.5" active length. Add an inch and a half (or so) for tying to pouch and forks. and cut at 9". That will more or less max them out, though, so add a little to extend the bandlife (you can always trim it if needed and re-tie to increase power later)
  12. Similar to thera and .44 lead maybe 30mm straight cut or double 20mm straight? I don't like doubles myself and like to fold wide straights
  13. I'm thinking of trying theraband silver. 5m available for £15 on ebay so cheap enough. 25 or 30mm straight cut instead of the taper you mentioned?
  14. I'm shooting 25mm straight cut (about 20cm active length) for M-8s. Nice and punchy. Also 30-20 tapers for lead filled M-8s. A lot of wallop but more effort making the ammo.
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