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Everything posted by goosefever

  1. Used my new Fuds for the first time this season and must say on all ocassions the Pinks just kept streaming in worked really well. even had 2 Geese landing amongst the Fuds while we were taking our hide down and Car was parked beside us hard to believe but true I have never seen that before obviously daft young Geese but was strange standing in the open watching them walking about the Fuds..
  2. Hi yes used them again couple of times they work really well, all the times we been out we could definately shot a lot more Birds but i am not after big bags i dont know enough people who like them to give away and dont want to just sling them so we limit ourselves then just sit and watch them coming in would deff recommend them though and thanks for your recomendation in the first place les..
  3. Cheers MIK but already bought a dozen FUDS used them on Saturday morning on stubble worked really well we ended up with 9 Geese between the 2 of us but thanks anyway.
  4. We used to get nothing but Graylag here years ago and lots of them but its nearly all Pinks now with a few Grays very rare to see a Canada. I live about 5 miles from the Lindisfarne mud flats where I have spent many a night with rain or snow going horizontal in the wind years ago but I am too old for that sort of weather now but I must admit the old interest has definately returned, its that bloody Son in Law of mine egging me on anyway thanks and happy Shooting .
  5. Thanks Leslie will have to ask her indoors for a few for Christmas I sold my old full bodied ones years ago but i am just getting back into the goose shooting.. Thanks again for your reply.
  6. Hi I am new to this Forum but already enjoying some interesting reading, I have a question if anyone can help I am wondering if anyone has used the FUD decoys? and are they any good? before I go out and buy some cheers ..
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