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About Voycey

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 25/09/1988

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  • Interests
    Shooting - Shotguns and air rifles
    Fishing - fly

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  1. Does anyone know of an air rifle club in colchester? it may be a good way of meeting some more shooters
  2. I have shot rats, squirrels and magpies off of the bird table from the bathroom window of my Bungalow. That's with 2 1/2'' Eley Fourlongs in a Hushpower Baikal. I wouldn't even dream of trying it with the 12g SX 3. i've shot a rat on the bird table from 5 yards with a 12 bore. feck all left of it. And that included the bird table. Effective though I think that is on par with hammering in nails with a truck. I'm glad to hear you got him though
  3. Hi, I have my first air rifle still, an old smk chinese .22, obviously not worth a penny, and was replace by my weihrauch HW100 (only a slight upgrade) But what do I do with the thing, not worth selling and as far as I know it works fine. I would consider modding it if anyone has any thoughts or experience doing so. I'm not after more power, I'm happy with the HW100, One thought I had was to cut the butt off and try to finish it nicely into a long barrelled pistol, maybe use it for dispatching rabbits or re-enacting batman scenes
  4. on a serious note, at what distance does a pellet start to get moved by the wind?
  5. Thanks, I had never thought of that but it makes sense that tug of war would cause a lot of problems with releasing, ha. First of all a family dog but secondly mainly retrieving pigeons, the odd day beating if they are trained well enough.
  6. Now a .410 with a suppressor, that sounds interesting. Compared to an air rifle how loud are they? My Grandfather had a folding "poaching" 410, but they got lost over the years. I'm surprised they let you anywhere near an organised shoot with one though
  7. Thanks duane, I think cockers are lovely looking dogs, I don't want an out and out gun dog as they may not be in the field every week. Obviously taken for walks every day though.
  8. Hi Everyone, My Partner and I are thinking of getting a dog soon, she her eyes on a sausage dog :S, but I still have some say. I love springer spaniels but have heard they can be a bit too energetic and I'm not sure what they are like with Children. We have a 6 year old and plan to have another baby in the next couple of year so will have to take this into account as well. I was wondering what breeds people would suggest that are mainly family dogs but can be trained to help out when shooting. I work 9-5, Partner does nursing shifts and we have family local to us to atte
  9. So do you put yourself at more risk using in ear plugs? like those you get on site? I have some ear defenders that I use to have when landscaping , these are top end and will have to check the db rating later. Is there a guidline db rating for shooting though?
  10. Hi Everyone, I was just wondering if there were any local clay shoots in colchester other than the fennes, I don't dislike it, I'm just looking for somewhere different, maybe closer if possible?
  11. Hi eveyone, I'm new to the site and just poking my head around a bit. I was wondering what everyone's thoughts or memories of shooting 410's, if so what make/model. Unfortunately I have only just got my licence in the last few years and as a young boy I would have had loads of fun with a 410 in the woods at my family home, but only having 12 bores in the cabinet. My first experience of a mini was at a friends a few years back, he had one of the old, and very basic webley bolt action 410's. This thing look some what knackered but also quite quirky in a way, you had to jiggle it
  12. Hi everyone, I have been looking for a similar website/forum page like this for a long time, and I'm happy to have finally found one with some good rules on posting on forums. I'm James, 26, from colchester. I've been shooting pigeons with my old man since I was about 12, I now have all my own gear and need to start going out more regularly on my own. Like most young lads we used to go out with the air rifles, getting rabbits and pigeons. I have recently purchased a weirauch PCP, unfortunately I have only managed to use it with targets so far. Like most people I'm looking f
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