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Everything posted by shanegt

  1. I would be willing to just pass this almost 250 acres on to someone with air in exchange for just a few acres fac rated.
  2. hii guys lovely to meet you all. new here, but long time shooter and forum poster elsewhere. based in north warwickshire. have shotguns, air and waiting for my second fac (gave first one up due to illness) hello!
  3. I work in coventry and I am a health and safety officer by career. I could really help this lady - pass my email on shanegrohl@gmail.com or message me for my number. Thanks
  4. Hi All. New here but looking to make some friends. Been on other forums a long time. I have a 234 acre area in the midlands which I am looking to share with people with air, shotgun or ferrets (very interested in ferrets) and the rabbit problem is profuse - I need help! Land is in the process of being cleared for .22lr and 17HMR but i've been told this is a 2-3 week wait. I would like to share this with you if you can share one of your permissions (when you see fit, no permission stealing) - FAC rated to .22lr if possible. I have air and shotgun but my FAC application is he
  5. Hi Dave, I am available and in the west midlands area if you are still looking for shooting buddy? I have 234 acres of land to shoot over for shotgun and air. I need FAC land so this could work to both our advantage shanegrohl@gmail.com
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