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Everything posted by vwguy1998

  1. i cant seem to find any in the Southanpton area i dont think there are many about.
  2. Looking for ferrets in Southampton/New Forest area
  3. Looking for a hob in the Southampton/ New forest area. Preferably a sandy or polecat.
  4. Thanks for all the tips guys. I have already watched the youtube video's and i think i have a basic idea of what to do.
  5. Hi guys can anyone please give me some tips on net making as i would like to make some after xmas. Many Thanks Marcus
  6. thanks for all the tips guys really appreciate it. Just thought id say i have kept ferrets as pets for 3 years.
  7. hi guys im 16 and have never been ferreting and i am hoping to go next season after i have made some nets and got all the necessary equipment. i was just wondering if you guys have any tips for a total newbie. Many thanks Marcus
  8. hi guys i am 16 years old and currently have no hunting experience , but i am a country chap always have been always will be i am currently studying motor vehicle technology level 2 at college. i own 2 jill ferrets and 2 Jack Russel terriers.
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