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About MrAlex

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Great, thanks, I remember when I was renting a few years ago it was hard to find anyone willing to just have 6 months. cheers
  2. Anyone in that area recommend some letting agents? My brother's moving down there for 6 months for work and has been sent these details http://www.taylorsestateagents.co.uk/toletoffice/watford/988/ by his empoyers but would rather have some recommendations, especially as he only wants a 6 month lease. I haven't rented for a few years so I'm not sure if most places you have to rent for 12 months? Cheers.
  3. I remember watching it on Cleethorpes beach It'll be interesting now, in the age of the smartphone/tablet how many people will be trying to capture it on some kind of device, mayeb frying their camera sensors in the process
  4. I don't personally like him, but I kind of like that he says what he thinks, that's getting more rare these days wth political correctness. I used to watch Top Gear a lot but then got bored of it and I think he just got carried away with his own reputation. I don't think this will make much difference, poeple who already hate him will hate him more, those who love him will thinkit's great but yes, Top Gear is a great export and they'd be stupid to cut it, although they'll all just go somewhere else and make the same programme but with a different name.
  5. MrAlex

    First Aid

    I feel for you Ossie,I know where you're coming from I performed CPR on my dad at his home coming up to nearly a year now on the 27th of this month. Tried for nearly 25 minutes until paramedics arrived,its been the hardest thing I've ever done in my life.Sadly my dad didn't make it,its affected me so much that I've experienced flashbacks every day since.sounds abit daft but because I could hear his ribs crunching I was afraid of hurting him.He was 68 and there was no warning signs.here one minute and gone the next so yes I do totally agree it should be taught at schools. I can't imagine how
  6. I'd never seen one until we went up to the west coast of Scotland last year on holiday, then we had one come up to the house every night and eat anything that had been left on the bird table. In the comments book a lot of people were saying that they'd left food out for it but I did wonder whether these were thought of as a nuisance locally.
  7. MrAlex

    First Aid

    Also, I'd also say that if you think it's important you could sort it out yourselves, maybe have first aid training for the whole family.
  8. MrAlex

    First Aid

    My daughters have been taught it at school (primary school) but I'm not sure if that's just their school or if it's part of the new curriculum.
  9. I'd say Guiness too, but then most of the ads I remember from years ago are Guiness ads
  10. Nice work! I've not been chub fishing in ages, might have to have a gander one of these weekends.
  11. That's the problem, these groups gain so much public support through newspapers and I think there's generally speaking a lot of ignorance surrounding our sport. Hopefully these northern groups will soon fade out.
  12. I've always used raw meat with my pups but of course you just have to be sensible about it. I use fresh good quality meat and never leave it out for the whole day, and never had any problems - although you're right, puppies are a lot more vulnerable to the various strains of bacteria than adult dogs.
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